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How can i install Linux ?
How can i install Linux ?
21 replies @
True, but no one was talking about anything other than GNU.
CS2D Boss:
Installing Linux is pretty easy. All you need to do is delete C:\Windows (you'll need administrative privleges to do that). Then create C:\Linux and put the Debian download in it. After you reboot you'll be in the Debian installer. Good luck! I suggest you using ubuntu (from debian family), i using Ubuntu 14.04 LTS from is FREE, i use that for 15 day, and i install Xubuntu (ubuntu family based on XFCE Desktop).
Install Linux is easy, you download / buy cd. Boot from your cd (set from BIOS), or you can create bootable flashdisc and boot from flashdisc.
This is my Xubuntu (I Install some customization desktop like Conky, and i use Numix theme) :