Not sure how you think but the website part doesn't make the actual hosting good and doesn't prove anything, take scam websites for example. Most of them use a good template but you'll never get anything.
take scam websites for example. Most of them use a good template but you'll never get anything.
Yes, since I'm running a community with more than 10k members running on ipb and with more than 10 servers in my possession it sure is all just a scam
In case you didn't notice due to a lack of brains, I'm the community owner of ngm that provides the servers. Yates and I are working together on this project, we as lua, html, css, javascript, php, sql, java, ajax and jquery programmers.
TL;DR Yes we are scamming you.. Since it's going to be free
In case you didn't notice due to a lack of brains, I'm the community owner of ngm that provides the servers.
Not sure what you are talking about, but pay some attention in-case if you don't want to turn this thread to a flame-war. I don't know anything about your community nor what you provide, never even heard about it and if you are too dump to think the example of scam site i wrote was referring to your community then you mustn't be here at all. Stop posting.
and with more than 10 servers in my possession it sure is all just a scam
Congratulations ! but i don't really care. I'm one of the two owners of SubnetWeb and our total servers specs are more than :
128GB RAM.
100TB HDD and some of our servers has SSD.
Unlimited bandwidths.
Different servers cpu's.
I'll agree with Yates. If you want to talk about who provides better services, you can either make a new thread or discuss it on pm. Any more off topic will not be tolerated.
Bcy, I think you might not make it if you want to host multiple servers with those specs.
I guess peoples don't trust those kind of sites like yours.
.TK , the works should be serious and the site should be a DOMAIN.
This may help you to get your first customers!
Well , even if it's a domain it sounds danger.
If this is serious it really should be (.com,.net) just like Oxy2D so peoples won't feel afraid of buying from them.