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English Where is the introduction thread? i dunno.

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old Where is the introduction thread? i dunno.

User Off Offline

So uh, yeah where can i introduce myself? if this thread is good might aswell be thread where all people introduce themselves to me. so um...

Im lucas, pleasure to meet you all, im a real big valve fan and i like cookies, and coffee, hell im holding a cup of coffee now! so um, im gonna start exploring a bit and see what this place is about and know a bit about the users, so yeah brb post your stuff here so i can know you better.

old Re: Where is the introduction thread? i dunno.

User Off Offline

I can see why already, most peeps around here are really offense here but they use tis k1nd of whriting alot don't they?

anyway, glad to meet you, also, im already gonna do a request, sticky this and rename it introductions thread.

old Re: Where is the introduction thread? i dunno.

Moderator Off Offline

user lucasthebest17 has written
I can see why already, most peeps around here are really offense here but they use tis k1nd of whriting alot don't they?

Allow me to welcome you and say few things that you should know about this place :

1. Nobody cares about anything. If people won't pay much attention to your hard work or what you find interesting, don't get offended.
2. Because of the above reason, introductions aren't necessary, therefore there's no need to satisfy your request.
3. Normal people here don't use "tis k1nd of whriting" they write normally. Kids and trolls do, but there aren't many of them.

Welcome to the community. I'm surpised to see a person from brazil who speaks properly. Sorry, but your fellow country mates made everyone here an impression that brazilian people are immature and know nothing of talking in forum.

old Re: Where is the introduction thread? i dunno.

User Playing CS2D

Raining Mammoths has written
Welcome to the community. I'm surpised to see a person from brazil who speaks properly. Sorry, but your fellow country mates made everyone here an impression that brazilian people are immature and know nothing of talking in forum.

Sir, that's almost a stereotype. Not every brazilian are immature.

Maybe it's just laziness. My country fellows don't seem interested in learning english, or whatever other foreign language.


Well, this community is like a pub, no welcome needed. But you are free to explore this site.

old Re: Where is the introduction thread? i dunno.

User Off Offline

user Rainoth has written
user lucasthebest17 has written
I can see why already, most peeps around here are really offense here but they use tis k1nd of whriting alot don't they?

1. Nobody cares about anything. If people won't pay much attention to your. hard work or what you find interesting, don't get offended. [b]HEY LOOK ITS ONE OF THOSE FORUMS AGAIN, THATS NICE[b]

3. Normal people here don't use "tis k1nd of whriting" they write normally. Kids and trolls do, but there aren't many of them. [b]Good, so i have to worry less.[b]

So in other words, polite, intelligent and nice but less-caring (no offense, again.) people, okay, I can work with that.

old Re: Where is the introduction thread? i dunno.

Admin Off Offline

It's not really common / necessary to introduce yourself when becoming a member of an internet community. Especially when talking about bigger communities with several hundred or thousand users.

Nobody will blame you for not introducing yourself. So don't worry about that

It would actually be quite annoying to read X introduction posts daily (we get more than 10 new users per day).

btw: Same applies for leaving.

old Re: Where is the introduction thread? i dunno.

User Off Offline

user DC has written
(we get more than 10 new users per day).

10 New 2th Accounts.

Anyway. It's nice to meet friendly people like you. I'm TimeQuesT and I like developing stuff. (and of course playing games!)

You're welcome!

old Re: Where is the introduction thread? i dunno.

User Off Offline

user lucasthebest17 has written
Im lucas, pleasure to meet you all, im a real big valve fan and i like cookies, and coffee, hell im holding a cup of coffee now! so um, im gonna start exploring a bit and see what this place is about and know a bit about the users, so yeah brb post your stuff here so i can know you better.

Nice to meet you. My nickname is MikuAuahDark. I like to create a Counter-Strike 2D LUA script and always trying to create something off my limits.

old Re: Where is the introduction thread? i dunno.

User Off Offline

Welcome to unreal software hope you enjoy playing CS2D (as the most played game here) and of course Carnage Contest and Stranded II
in the forum there is all the kinds of people you can imagine, just respect the others and don't care if an idiot provokes you (that's unfortunately normal in
and simply be a good guy..
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