
Online game
17 replies

FPS (first person shooters)
Combat Arms
Counter-Strike 2D / 1.6 / Source
Grand Fantasia
League of legends
Dota 2 ( no idea how to play it

Sandbox (my favourite)

FPS (first person shooters)
...Counter-Strike 2D...
...Counter-Strike 2D...
seems legit.
Anyway I like Smokin' Guns.

FPS (first person shooters)
...Counter-Strike 2D...
...Counter-Strike 2D...
seems legit.
Anyway I like Smokin' Guns.
Yeah i didnt though of that..

ArmA III, Civilization V, The Metro Series, Mirror's Edge, SWAT 4, The Fallout Series, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, and The F.E.A.R Series are my some of my favorites off the top of my head.
Anyway i like Blackshot, Counter-Strike Source, Garry mod these online games.
MAT online is out of my list, why? The more update it have, the noob it is.
2D zombie survival

Try it out,really,its epic
nearly epic as cs2d

I've got How to Survive since 2 days it's awesome game.
Can you provide a link or something?
i searched google but only found a similiar game that didn't come out yet.
Online 2D zombie survival shooter
still in dev,but looks good