Edit: But I think that the best way to make it spit, is actually by making it throw snowballs.
CS2D Mods NPC Pack: IdeasEdit: But I think that the best way to make it spit, is actually by making it throw snowballs.
edited 1×, last 28.08.15 11:50:19 pm
Starkkz's NPC Pack (46)
EDIT: Please uptade your NPC pack beacuse headcrab and houndeye is not working also bullsquid need more thinks.
edited 1×, last 29.08.15 11:54:46 am
the second one is when i hit bullsquid, his error(anyway this is working)
There are tail part, legs and tentacles at snout
edited 5×, last 29.08.15 08:01:40 pm
@To everyone else: Hotfix, please test it.
Starkkz's NPC Pack (46)
edited 1×, last 29.08.15 05:41:30 pm
EDIT: You need to add headcrab sounds to your file.
@ Pagyra: Can you send me a link to every sprite? I don't know how to split them into cells perfectly
On my CS2D Trigger_If don't really do a thing.