Corvallis5 has written
This is an highly inhumane form of violence and deserves punishment. At least we are trying to do something (not saying I support a strike) unlike the rest of you European countries (except France) who just sit around and complain about the US and how we get involved in everyone elses business. So please before you go blindly hating on the US, just remember that we are actually trying to solve this horrible situation-and even if it's only to show world dominance-it's better than the rest of you guys.
You have a point but The United Nations should do the policing not America and intervene whenever there are massacres and genocides , but that would be in an ideal world, unfortunately our world is still controlled by the pro russia putin mob.Take out this 'mob' and you see progress.
Most Americans don't want to get involved because there isn't an outcome. Syrians don't have the same religion, culture or beliefs. The people who need to help Syrians are the The United Nations but sadly only USA,Turkey and France have the brass to do something.