Special path values and tags
Moreover you can use some built-in images with this function by using one of the following values for the path parameter or attach tags to change the loading behavior:
"<tile:X>" - a tile from the tileset that is used in the current map, with X being the ID of a tile, starting at 0 for the first tile in the tileset
PATH<b> - black pixels (rgb 0,0,0 or HEX #000000) will become invisible in the specified image (this mode is used by default but another masking method might be used if the image has been loaded before with another method. So please use this tag if masking of black pixels is important)
PATH<m> - magenta pixels (rgb 255,0,255 or HEX #FF00FF) will become invisible in the specified image
PATH<a> - alpha values (opacity) will be set depending on the brightness of pixels
PATH<n> - no masking. The image will be loaded and displayed as it is.