CS2D General USGN server problems stillUSGN server problems still
10 replies 1
Thats true, in this version is very constant...
Since the new cs2d, I have never gotten it to work, and I can't figure out why. It used to work occasionally with 0101. Now it never works in 0102.
And I have had many problems where USGN just seems to "die". I'll be on a server, it will suddenly ping timeout, and when I over and over again update the USGN list, it just says 0 Server Registered/0 Available. After about 10 minutes, it's usually fixed though.
Thats why!
Edit: I just changed some settings. Is it better now? Please give me some feedback.
edited 1×, last 17.12.06 12:33:20 am
PS: Server list dont show all the servers...
Today, 16 servers are avaiable and only 15 of them are showed in the list...
just 1 avaible with 8 registered and lqaagy ping - 1400 on my before it was about 200
@Ameer925: No way. There is no relation.
@skiper: omg... How often do I have to say that the U.S.G.N. is only used for sharing the IP adresses?! the ping does not have any relation to the U.S.G.N.! what you just said is nonsense. the U.S.G.N. can't be the reason for bad pings!
The only thing which matters right now is that the serverlist is loaded at any time!
Edit: Very weird whats going on there...
If you have problems with adding your server to the usgn make sure to use
has to be placed into the temp-dir of cs2d
edited 1×, last 17.12.06 09:37:27 am
Per example: 20 registered and 16 avaiable...
Then need to show 16 servers in the list...