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English TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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On normal and hard mode, I have lowered the spawn of all natives on SMALL maps due to the island size. Having 1-2 natives on a Small Island is comparable to having 25-30 on a Big Island. Not to mention the lions, poisonous snakes, scorpions that can end your game.

Additionally, obtaining a empty water rock to make a forge should be easier now on small maps too.

When I post my last update the game will be a finished game. So I will not have any more to work on until Stranded 3 comes out. While I have learned alot about making mods and games over the last couple years, i am no pro. I plan to build my own game in the near future yes. I just have to overcome some obstacles to do so.

Peter does his thing, and I do mine. He already was informed by me, if he needed anything, feel free to contact me. I would be honored to help, if I could help at all.

I have been through the website and checked out most mods. I have taken a select few unit models from a couple mods here, modified them to use, and have given credit to them in the credits page in game. Part of keeping originality to a mod/game is to make your own models or modify existing free ones, into your own. I do not want this mod to be/look like other mods, and I want other mods to keep their own keeping respect to other modders out there, and their work.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Are you still planning to add the escape events, like the boat and plane? When I first played Stranded 2 vanilla, I built a sailcraft and set off to see if I could find something. Spent 3 game days getting stranded in the water instead.

old ethyl alcohol

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Hi again all! i have a question about making ethyl alcohol for the lantern. Clicking on the corn in the knapsack menu says I can crush it and clicking on cornseed in the menu says to mix it with water. I've tried corn+stone, corn+hammer, cornseed+stone, cornseed+hammer, corn+waterbottle, and I've tried "using" corn over a water source like making dough. So far i've only been successful at planting it and making grilled corn cobs. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Myst- yes, it's in the todo list to have 2/3 end-game scenarios. Also i think everybody sailed out into the abyss and got lost at least once. i did too.

g-ryznar- ty sir!

thunder- sorry about is not finished. Also in the todo list I have to make the corn to ferment. So i have to make 2 models (1 bottle corn water to put in the barrel, and 1 bottle of ethyl you take out of the barrel. Also script it to work with the lantern, and signal fire maybe.) It will be working in the next update.
edited 2×, last 28.01.14 09:35:41 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Bug. I was forging with the iron hammer (the stone one still doesn't give the option for bolts, by the way and I don't see two different entries for nails.) I got the message that my iron hammer handle had broken. Checking my inventory I still had my iron hammer, but my stone hammer was missing.

Also, are you going to adjust hit boxes in the next update?
edited 1×, last 29.01.14 07:35:40 pm

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Hey Myst, thanks.

I went over the hammers again at the forge. Fixed the missing items and correcting the hammers.

Most of the bug issues comes from everything being associated with a number. In modern engines a "stone hammer" is called a "stone hammer" for easy reference in scripting. In stranded everything is a number. With so many different numbers its simply to easy to have a typo so please forgive my errors.

I am and have been adjusting collisions each update yes.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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yay and yeah I kinda guessed that the items were scripted with IDs based on the common bugs with receiving or losing the wrong items sometimes.

One of the fixes I'm most looking forward to is being able to bring up my digging skill by prospecting. Also, are you planning on adding bigger skill gains for things like, say, forging with steel over iron, or clay-crafting items based on how much clay is used?

old New February Update Posted

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New Update Posted

TheSurvivalist 02-01-2014 34.23MB

Download from the top of page 1, or my signature in any of my posts.

This version has the most recent fixes, and is the most stable version posted in a long while. I am now taking a break for real this time, and will return in about a month to finish this mod.
edited 1×, last 31.01.14 08:32:41 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Thanks JJ,

for next one, can you tweak on hard mode and make spawning of natives to increase over time? (regardless of the current native population, the idea is they accumulate)

So, for example, (and I am not sure how it is currently set up), these are random numbers to illustrate the idea:

Week 1: 1 in 10 chances that 1 native will spawn per day

Week 2: 2 in 10 chances that 1 native will spawn per day

Week 3: 2 in 10 chances that 2 natives will...

Week 4: 3 in 10 chances that 2 natives....

Week 5: 3 in 10 that 3


By day 100 it should be very difficult to walk around unimpeded (and very dangerous to work outside the palisade). I think this way the game becomes more difficult and more interesting.

And, you should make it that the pirate sells you a map of the region and a compass, and then you can launch the biggest raft, loaded with supplies, and have a random chance of ending the game or failing (the seasons playing a role here). If failed, then a random # and % of items will be lost, and you gotta retry again.

I am not sure how much coding the ending scenario will take, but the spawning part should be relatively easy would be m guess, right?

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

Myst...your right...i messed with the collision of the lion for fixing them escaping the fence pens players build. I re-uploaded the update with the fixed lion. Thank you...still researching the other things. It is just the bows arrows that do not collide with the lion properly. fixed.

Aedolaws...nice idea...i will probably do that with most hostile animals/natives, increasing difficulty as the game progresses.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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When I use fertilizer on my grains, I lose my bucket. I kept the bucket when doing tomatoes.

Quick suggestion, instead of relying on planting exploits to get your skill high enough to plant the good stuff, I think there should be an increase in your planting skill upon harvesting based on how much you allowed the grains and such to mature, and whether or not you used fertilizer.

Also, on the suggestion on scaling difficulty based on how long you've been on the island, I highly recommend implementing that based on the chosen difficulty setting and island size. Having the island just overwhelmed with hostile tribes after so long seems more of a thing for hard mode.

By the way, I kept meaning to mention, the heartbeat thing for events, that's pretty damn cool. It seems to increase immersion when there's danger about.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Super User Off Offline

ill check that bucket/grain out , thanks. edit:fixed √

Yes i actually am looking at that now and scripting it some to see what works best. As it has been, difficulty level will determine the amount of spawning units hostile or not. Also the size of the Island. After scripting this mod for over a year I just recently found the way to script stuff based on the map size the player chooses. In the past I could not figure that out. Easy mode will remain with no hostile units, normal mode has a few "type" hostile units, then hard mode has all hostile types present.

The small island will spawn the least amount (1-3), medium some average amount (1-5), and big more than both others(1-8). I have played more small maps lately that i did not play before cuz i like bigger maps, and I DO see the issue of having to many hostiles chasing the player on a tiny island (i already addressed that for starting a new map with the current update/download, now I am working on balancing what actually spawns as each month passes.)

Glad you like the heartbeat
You should hear it under the following circumstances:

1)During an event-fast heartbeat for the hostile units, wolf and bear, regular heartbeat for less hostile units like the bats or dear.

2)When your injured-fast beat if your bone is broken, regular beat if your bleeding.

3)When your life/blood bar is getting low-the closer to death you are getting increases the speed of the beat. Because your freaking out that your nearing possible death.

4)Frostbite-a slow beating heart, cuz your freezing and your body temperature would be getting to low.

thanks again Myst for all your feedback.!!
edited 1×, last 04.02.14 03:28:46 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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Bats? less hostile? Hippo-Hockey! =P

Though they are a more desirable encounter since you can swat them out of the air for TONS of meat. Actually I wonder if that makes the game a bit easier than you intended. I tend to get attacked by bats many many times, and just stockpile loads of meat off of bats alone. Though I still welcome it since I've given up trying to shoot the birds.

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

Dlean J
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This is not a bug but when I look into the sky, right above my head. When it's raining, half the screen is raining and there is no rain on the other half.

One more, I think every unit have a attack loop and so do the bow natives (both amateur and expert):

Start loop
• Attack
• Raising bow
• Aim

It should be:
Start loop
• Raising bow
• Aim
• Attack

So it'll be easier to evade, runaway or something

• Rabbits go into water.
• Fishes swim into/through the island(I died once in a pond on a swamp island because the shark swam through the island to the pond).

• Animals should return when they stuck
• The game will start with a random reason (not just spring)
• Update specific temperature every hour (51°F or 45°F not 40-60°F)
• Display temperatures in Celsius, too (I don't use Fahrenheit)
edited 3×, last 04.02.14 11:11:57 am

old Re: TheSurvivalist:Christmas Update 12-24-19

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user Cure Pikachu has written
@user JasJack67: The current Stranded II download files have been updated to include the fix already. Also he said he attempted to run the mod through Windows XP SP2/3 and Vista (virtual machine or compatibility settings, I don't know), and he's able to properly run vanilla Stranded II on Windows 7 (no mods).

So yeah, you should update your GPU drivers & DirectX.

Decided to return to this mod again, after discussing SII with a friend, and thought I should update that the issue is still around.

For those that weren't following, or forgot, when I run The_Survivalist.exe, the game goes through its usual loading spiel, sits silently on a black screen until I press Enter, then proceeds into the second loading screen. After this loading finishes, I get a flash of a partially loaded island with the pirate, then the screen blacks again. This time, I can hear the usual sounds present in the start menu, but the mouse doesn't appear to give any input (can't hear it passing over icons).

My drivers and DirectX are updated, insofar as an outdated GPU can be updated, and were when the issue arose originally.
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