I downloaded the "november 10 2012"...
I don't know how the forge and the lava forge works...
edited 2×, last 15.11.12 12:07:36 pm
claw + long wooden handle + knife =CLAW SPEAR
cocao fruit + stone =dry cacao dry cocao + use at fire =chocolate chocolate + dough =chocolate dough chocolate dough + fire/woodgrill =COOKIES!
on:changeday { 		local $native, $shaman, $x, $z, $id, $nativeid, $shamanid, $random; 		$native=count_inrange ("unit", 34); 		$shaman=count_inrange ("unit", 40); 		$id=currentid(); 		$x=getx("self"); 		$z=getz("self"); 		$random=random(1,2); 		if ($random==2) 		{ 			if ($native==0) { 				$nativeid=create("unit", 34, $x, $z); 				addstate "unit", $nativeid, "tame"; 			}elseif ($shaman==0) { 				$shamanid=create("unit", 40, $x, $z); 				addstate "unit", $shamanid, "tame"; 			} 		} 	}