
But i need NEW vehicle...ITS POSSIBLE PLZ

Now that this thread is young it is easy to find the latest version, but once it gets longer it will not be so. And, even I that am familiar with whats going on, was confused whether to download Jack's or Murloc's latest. On second thought, I guess Murlocs' 2a. But the point is that it was not crystal clear. (By the way m8s, I am not criticizing, I am simply suggesting)
Ideally, I would like to see the latest version (plus date released) on bold on the first post. Even if its not an actual link, and we have to copy and paste. Anyways we can get around it?
As to uploading the entire 25MB file, I see how it can be annoying. But I am sure it would avoid countless mistakes and will save tons of time to most people.
edited 2×, last 23.10.12 02:23:01 am
Also memory leak issue is mediated, as well as repair of the keys file.
Good that you found the leak, Murlocdummy, as the game is running quite bad on my laptop (lowest graphic settings). I always lag after waking up, etc. That becomes annoying the more I play.
Still I don't know if I can install your version, I guess Jack needs to compile his and yours.
As to the ''ultimate goal'', I really don't want to end the game, I'd jsut like to progress, progress, progress..

Somewhere I saw the idea of finding a woman on the island, who you then make love you by giving her specific items (or showing her your imba skills, for example she says "I like men with 600 planting :D"). The other idea is to have another "need" - entertainment. You will have various ways to fullfill it, like throwing starfishes (:D), playing with your tamed monkey. Then you can make yourself toys.
edited 6×, last 27.10.12 01:51:03 pm
And so far, it looks like your graphics updates are looking quite nice. I'm loving the shape of the bushes. It gives a level of character to the game that adds alot of distinctiveness, especially the knotty, root-looking bush that's full of branches.
edited 2×, last 24.10.12 07:28:57 am
New Items and Stuff.
More Realistic Graphics.
New Buildings.
The Bug of the "Take Apart".
More Information on the Start Diary.
The Space in Rucksack...Very HIGH!.
Berry Bushes no need WATER...WTF?.
Bug on "Silica Dust"... INFINITE?.
Crates in Island...IMPOSIBLE TO OPEN O.o


Sorry for the bad English, i am Spanish

Clasification of MOD:

I Have a Traduction of this mod FOR SPANISH. I need you permission to post here PLZ


edited 3×, last 30.10.12 03:02:32 am
edited 4×, last 05.11.12 06:20:11 pm
if (($c>=15) and ($c<=20)){ $htyp=20; }
if ($htyp>0){
setpos "item",$hid,"self",$hy,"self";
this is right↓↓↓
if (($c>=15) and ($c<=20)){ $htyp=20; }
if ($htyp>0){
setpos "item",$hid,"self",$hy,"self";
we can grow herbs without buried in the garden at this
edited 1×, last 05.11.12 01:43:43 am
That code will produce the same output in either case.
I have completed what I set out to do and would ask you ll to download and start your game over using this new updated download.
I wont be doing much more here with this game other then fixes. I hand the lead over to murlocdummy for anything else he wanted to add.
Glad you finally made it back!
I had waited a long time for you
Please forgive us for modifying your mod into a new mod...feel free to take it and continue your work.
Glad you finally made it back!
I had waited a long time for you

Please forgive us for modifying your mod into a new mod...feel free to take it and continue your work.
Everyone who helped in the The Survivalist in some way was added to the "credits" ingame.
If you wish to continue work on your mod, we've been keeping your seat warm for you.
So far, I've been trying to figure out all of the coding you put into the game. It's alot of rather complex and ingenious stuff. I've kind of/sort of figured out how your forging dummies work, and am going to expand upon that a bit to enable a larger tech tree of upgrades.
Right now, all I've got is a whole lot of test lines that seem to work well for hammer upgrades. If it all pans out, I'll be able to apply it to the other tools.
My only issue so far has been trying to get the forge fire to light the surrounding area. I never did figure out why it isn't doing that.
I found a bug in your mod at the clay cooking pod.
After I put into the ingredients I can eat infinite because the serving number become negative.
For example:
The pot now holds -10 servings.
Otherwise I love this little game ages.
So thank you for this mod.
(where found eggs? The nests empty)
making dough at a water source doesn't work properly. There is a < symbol where there should be a > symbol in the definition of flour that inverts the level requirement and makes it impossible to make dough that way after level 25 cooking.
The rucksack capacity still seems very high. I love it but it does make the game a bit too easy. I recommend going back to the original design of a smaller capacity with the ability to improve it over time through butterflies or some similar mechanism like maybe livers filled with methane from swamp bubbles.
I have always hated how slow building thins are because of the speed of the hammer. In the base stranded game there isnt much you can do about that since the hammer is useful for killing things early on but with the inclusion of a knife i think I have a possible improvement. Make the hammer much faster but only serve as a building tool. Make the damage against flesh zero like the vine and either make it destroy everything but trees too fast to get anything good from them or make it not drop anything if that is possible. I'm not a good enough modder to make either of those happen without a lot of changes so I think it would be best to have it included by either you or builder in a major update.
There's a mod floating around that adds traders terraria style when you meet certain conditions and i think that that would be a perfect way to add traders to the game if you could make one for Massive Mod.
I dislike the shovel's method of prospecting because either it takes too long to find minerals or it becomes too easy to get a large supply. With that in mind I thought of an alternative way to make minerals a renewable resource, Monkey mines. Have them unlock when you get a tame monkey like with the monkey school and make them fairly expensive to make, say 40 bananas and other basic building materials. the banana cost means that you will have to have a good enough banana farm to make use of its main purpose, turning bananas into minerals. Say have it consume up to 5 bananas at the end of each day and turns them into the same number of minerals selected from a randomiser. I think a good balance would be 30% for stone, 30% for 10 pebbles, 20% for iron, and 5% each for coal, gold, crystal, and nothing. This should be fairly simple compared to the building hammer if you either reuse a prefious model, like a small cave or have a good modeler to make the one model you will need.
I found a bug in your mod at the clay cooking pod.
I found a bug in your mod at the clay cooking pod.
I will look into this and report any findings to murloc for adding to his upcoming updates. I never messed with the Clay Cooking Pot other then reduce it's size so you can add wood easily. That must be an old bug

personally i have not built one for ages cuz I dont like using that thing LOL...I left it in the game as it was in the original MM by builder2-0.
making dough at a water source doesn't work properly. There is a < symbol where there should be a > symbol in the definition of flour that inverts the level requirement and makes it impossible to make dough that way after level 25 cooking.
The rucksack capacity still seems very high.
making dough at a water source doesn't work properly. There is a < symbol where there should be a > symbol in the definition of flour that inverts the level requirement and makes it impossible to make dough that way after level 25 cooking.
The rucksack capacity still seems very high.
If you copied a "saved" game it wont work right.
Your able to make "dough" at cooking level 50.
I will look into it but I think you may have copied your saved game from the other version? That wont work an may cause that bug cuz i dont see it but will keep an eye out for it.
Maybe murloc will address the rucksack in one of his upcoming updates. On HARD level I feel the sack is right. If your on normal or easy mode then it might seem easy yes.
edited 1×, last 08.11.12 06:03:40 am
If you copied a "saved" game it wont work right.
Your able to make "dough" at cooking level 150.
I will look into it but I think you may have copied your saved game from the other version? That wont work an may cause that bug cuz i dont see it but will keep an eye out for it.
Maybe murloc will address the rucksack in one of his upcoming updates. On HARD level I feel the sack is right. If your on normal or easy mode then it might seem easy yes.
making dough at a water source doesn't work properly. There is a < symbol where there should be a > symbol in the definition of flour that inverts the level requirement and makes it impossible to make dough that way after level 25 cooking.
The rucksack capacity still seems very high.
making dough at a water source doesn't work properly. There is a < symbol where there should be a > symbol in the definition of flour that inverts the level requirement and makes it impossible to make dough that way after level 25 cooking.
The rucksack capacity still seems very high.
If you copied a "saved" game it wont work right.
Your able to make "dough" at cooking level 150.
I will look into it but I think you may have copied your saved game from the other version? That wont work an may cause that bug cuz i dont see it but will keep an eye out for it.
Maybe murloc will address the rucksack in one of his upcoming updates. On HARD level I feel the sack is right. If your on normal or easy mode then it might seem easy yes.
I did not move any saves to different versions. the one i am currently playing is: \S2MM_TheSurvivalist_FullGame_FullGFX_11_05_2012\Massive+Mod
The game.inf seems to say that dough should be made at level 25 as that is when the combination is unlocked for using a water bottle. In the code for the flour item there was:
if (skillvalue("cooking")<25){
which I had to change to:
if (skillvalue("cooking")>=25){
to make the dough at the correct levels. Without that change it only allows making dough before level 25.
with regards to the carrying capacity, the code for this version in the units.inf shows things like this:
on:survivorcheck{ 		$tmp1=skillvalue("survivor"); 		if ($tmp1==190){ 			player_maxweight 150000; 			player_speed 2.4; 			$s2g_sprint=4; 			$s2g_walk=2.4; 			speech "positive"; 			event "skillup","global"; 		}elseif ($tmp1==130){ 			speech "positive"; 			unlockcombi "tent"; 			event "skillup","global"; 		}elseif ($tmp1==90){ 			player_maxweight 150000; 			speech "positive"; 			event "skillup","global"; 		}elseif ($tmp1==60){ 			maxhealth "unit",1,50; 			player_speed 2; 			$s2g_sprint=3.4; 			$s2g_walk=2; 			speech "positive"; 			event "skillup","global"; 		}elseif ($tmp1==20){ 			player_maxweight 150000; 			speech "positive"; 			event "skillup","global"; 		} 		freevar $tmp1;
I have added a patch to fix the simple things for now, available in my opening post with the latest download. Small-simple easy copy/past 1 folder/3 files. Instructions Included.
thanks for all your guys input...and sorry for my noob mistakes. Sometimes it just gets late, and I get tired. I forget to do something before I upload it.
edited 3×, last 08.11.12 06:04:23 am
*unlimited fused glass
When I mined some crystal and crushed it into silica, I took it to the fire to make some fused glass. It worked, but the amount of silica didn't change while I gained fused glass.
*steel hooks are iron hooks
The description of steel hooks say they are iron and they do not become consumed when fishing making them useless.
*unlimited cookies
When you use chocolate dough on the fire, it uses it just fine until you hit the limit, then it starts multiplying, giving you unlimited cookies potentially.
*12 logs a tree
I have yet to test it in higher difficulties, but I don't think a tree is supposed to produce 12 logs, it makes it hard to level up lumberer, you run out of space to store said logs until you can turn them into branches at lvl 25.
Another odd thing is, I randomly found 74 chocolate doughs on the ground randomly. Despite this all, the games great and I'm enjoying the graphics.