"Flint" as for igniting spark, maybe should be a separate concept. As it is right now, a different rock.
A stone cutting tool would not "necessarily" require such a different rock, just the right manufacturing. (Although maybe you want to keep the option for an even better cutting tool if made out of flint, e.g., more efficient/durable.)
We should have a cutting tool from day 1 to process survey stakes and simple spears, etc. Like the stone hammer, a stone cutting tool should "more easily" be available from day 1.
So, getting survey stakes, spears, simple attacks, should not be dependent on finding a scarce resource (fire making flint), but rather a matter sharpening a stone.
Simplest way to achieve: I would go for 2 large stones against each-other, success/failure=0 to pebbles., or hammer vs rock, with better stats.
Rather than the current stone knife, which requires a "flint" (sparks/fire making rock), allow for one with a new "simple stone" cutting tool.
1) NEW: Sharpened stone = cuts meat and can process wood, but breaks easily = weakest cutting tool, but can get u to nibble at branches (hooks) and wooden handles (survey stakes, spears, etc).
2) Flint = better cutting/more durable, can create fire
3) NEW: Stone knife = Sharpened Stone + branch or short wooden handle + vine or cord
4) Flint knife: flint + branch or short wooden handle + vines or cord = best before iron.
5) Iron, etc knifes.
Otherwise man I can spend anywhere from 1 to 7+ days without a knife. Not cool. I always go for mapping, and without survey stakes and I can't. And without spears it is very hard to gather skins early on.
Flint, as it is now, it is a matter of luck.
Cutting stone, as I suggest, would be a matter of planning/execution.
*** actually, maybe even make it the component to "stone spears"
edited 4×, last 18.10.16 04:43:45 am