The hunting line should be tweaked a bit. Snares r a necessity. Low cost = productivity.

The hunting line should be tweaked a bit. Snares r a necessity. Low cost = productivity.
See the to-do list at the top of page 1 for the Thanksgiving Update change log...loads of new stuff!
hmm...i will give it some thought. Not sure how I would incorporate such ability...I would likely have to make a model and you would build it from the build menu...maybe.
I could see making a "deadfall" using a branch, log, cord, and bait. And/or possible using a bendable branch, cord and bait for building a "noose" style snare?
THEN...depending on the type bait you use would draw certain if you bait using a banana you'd maybe snare a monkey, vs some grain seed to snare a bird. I think you would only snare small game though, I would not want to allow snaring a lion or bear for example.
I will look into it...I have already made the bottles more challenging as you suggested too. (see: "To-Do" list page 1)
hmm...i will give it some thought. Not sure how I would incorporate such ability...I would likely have to make a model and you would build it from the build menu...maybe.
I could see making a "deadfall" using a branch, log, cord, and bait. And/or possible using a bendable branch, cord and bait for building a "noose" style snare?
THEN...depending on the type bait you use would draw certain if you bait using a banana you'd maybe snare a monkey, vs some grain seed to snare a bird. I think you would only snare small game though, I would not want to allow snaring a lion or bear for example.
I will look into it...I have already made the bottles more challenging as you suggested too. (see: "To-Do" list page 1)
edited 11×, last 27.11.15 06:44:51 pm
ICE = COOL! New stuff! I like it!
Maybe the last boat level should be able to "break the ice."
New Trapping line:
I think snares should be available from day 1. In fact, snares should be key to survival, even more so than fishing. Right from the start we should be able to take a string, some food, and set a snare. Indeed, the more the better. Each snare will produce very little, particularly at level 1. You might want to put a distance limiter (similar to survey stakes), but not necessarily
Level 1: Loop snares: 1 "food" + 1 string/vine + 1 branch: catches rabbits and/or squirrels. 70% nothing happens per day, 10% lost bait, 10% snare destroyed, 10% successful catch.
Food can be almost anything, from fruits to glass, different foods have different powers... We wish.... I would keep it simple and make it all the same for now. 1 = 1.
Level 2: Little traps: 1 "food" + 5 Strings/vines + 5 branches: rabbits, squirrels, turtles, crabs, snails, insects + BIRDS. 60% nothing happens… etc
Level 3: Current trap: 1 food, etc
Level 4: Mega Trap: 1 food, very low % chance of catching deer, lion, bear or wolf, + etc
The point is to develop trapping a bit more.
Also, I thought about
a) New fishing net. We can throw it and fish with it. Something before the last level (fish traps). So 30 strings + 10 pebbles = fishing net that can be used to catch fish, twice as much chance to catch something, twice as much chance of breakage, etc
b) Also, you could add a new building to weave the nets.
New buildingS required for tortillas and bread
Require a water rock + stone = create grinding stones = grind potatoes and/or wheat, which can then be used for tortillas on a grill or bread in an oven.
Snakes, Rats and Pigs
I am not sure how it may impact performance, but, I would have at least 2 types of snakes. One the current one (very high chance of very low attack), and a big anaconda rare, slow moving (very low chance of very high attack).
And Rats, we need rats, lots of rats actually, it should be one of the main sources of calories the first few months… And if you wanna get fancy and work the herd line, you could introduce pigs, cmmm
You should increase the survey stakes required distance from 3k to 5k, right now the 3k only ensures coverage of 1/4 of the island easily in less than a week. Too easy imo.
Reduce 50% under water air
Once again, I suggest you try to push 2 months per season, and faster days (slower fruit production...)
I think the goal should be to eventually tweak to 12 months.
Dude you have done an amazing job. I get frustrated some time without rain for so long, but I am not going to complaint about the randomness of it.
I noticed that in the last version there is an incongruence at dawn/dusk, the light changes improperly.
edited 42×, last 23.11.15 07:05:15 am
Be sure to review the change log so ya know what is new or changed. Located on the top of page 1 also.
Happy Thanksgiving All!
I will be working on the next Christmas update now, and will keep the To-Do list on page one updated with the latest.
Hey Aedolaws,
Hey man you have had some really great ideas! I ran out of time to get the snares in this update...but I will get at least 1-2 more snare style traps by x-mas. I will give more thought to your additional info added to your post above. good stuff! (and yes, I think i fixed that light issue at dawn/dust)
Hey man you have had some really great ideas! I ran out of time to get the snares in this update...but I will get at least 1-2 more snare style traps by x-mas. I will give more thought to your additional info added to your post above. good stuff! (and yes, I think i fixed that light issue at dawn/dust)
Main catch of snares... very low meat... may cause vomit.
Hah, somehow, you could make it so that they become "Guinea pigs".
Hah, rats should be the Level 1 herd line before pigs and sheeps -- Building #1 guinea pigs, #2 Pigs, #3 Goats
edited 1×, last 26.11.15 06:44:14 am

1) In the middle is the KIT. You need to make a snare kit first. (combo: SNAREKIT=bendablebranch + cord + branch)
2) You put the kit in your hand and left-click the ground where you want to "set" it. You must have either Grain or Berries on you, for baiting the small game snare.
3) Once set, Any Rooster, Chicken, Squirrel, Rabbit, or Kiwi with in range at midnight can be caught 1 out of 3 chance. (30% per snare set)
4) You can dismantle any snare to "take" it, or "re-set" it at will...just hit it to dismantle it, returning a snare kit..
IMPORTANT: If you do not see the small game in the area, you will not catch them. They must be within 500 meters, so you actually see them in the area. (like fishing...must see the fish or they are not
edited 8×, last 28.11.15 11:49:08 pm
1) Dude, I am not sure if it is that I increased resolution, but the graphics are awesome. Did you improve the trees, etc? Also the hand actions... Correct me if I am wrong. Anyways nice surprise. And it runs smoothly. No lag.
2) AMAZING improvement by adding injury by hitting trees, rocks, etc. Such a small change changes the early game nicely. I can tell you, I have broken my hands a few times.
Will play this weekend. Will come back with a review.
edited 2×, last 28.11.15 07:22:02 am
So I have fixed the lighting issue at dusk and dawn for good finally. The update also includes the above patch, and the new small game snare, along with some further optimization to some scripts. Also a "height" issue with the player-to-object interaction was fixed.(see: Change log page 1 for full details)
Download from the top of page 1 or any of my signatures, as usual.
I have removed the patch above as there were to many edited files for a new a new download is needed, sorry.
edited 1×, last 28.11.15 11:59:01 pm
If you want to edit the script to save when sleeping past midnight...
1)open the game.inf file
2)SEARCH from the top menu bar for "autosave"
you will see this:
//msg "Game Saved!",5,15000;
simply remove the two "//" and save the file again.
if you want to auto save every time you the above and then SEARCH the units.inf and do the same thing...remove the two "//" in front of the autosave;
p.s. I removed this feature because I really did not like how it made the sleep screen so "erratic" and to easy for the player to simply re-load...I wanted it to reflect more if you die, you already lost the game...yet I do not want to remove the feature completely for those who like to re-load when they are still learning to play.
edited 1×, last 05.12.15 07:48:43 pm
In my current game (Level = Hard) I am only seven days away from Winter and therefore will update to this latest version to see the ice on the shore then.
While playing I observed a couple of things, which could perhaps be improved as well or at least I would like to get your opinion on them.
1. Native Bowmen
For me it seems to easy to kill these guys and easily receive some free arrows and if it is an expert bowman even the long bow. You just run behind them with a knife and hit the whole time on them not receiving any damage yourself. They are barely shooting as they just try to run away from you. Only while approaching them you might need to do some side steps to avoid those arrows, but then it is way to easy.
If possible these guys should just stand still and continue shooting or even better switch to a different attack. The other possibility is to make them a little faster then the player, so that at least they get away. I am kind of feeling sorry for them.
The native with the staff though is a little bit more tough and same for the chief. Although these guys might be catched behind a tree or so and then you can kill them with the bow as well.
2. Natives in general
Currently the natives are spread across the island and as written above are not such a threat. Perhaps when spawning the objects in the beginning you can also foresee that one or two native villages exists (lets say three bamboo huts and a camp fire in the middle) with a number of natives close to them (2 bowman, 1 expert bowman, 2 warriors + 1 chief).
What would be great, but I am not sure, whether this is possible, is if the player can decide to either attack them or befriend with them (these natives would need to be tamable then). If they have been tamed, you can trade with them like with the pirate. Perhaps we could make it, that the player can tame them by dropping necklaces and gold coins, which they could pick up.
This is also as I have not seen the trade pirate so far, but already have a couple necklaces and gold coins not knowning what to do with it.
As long as these natives are unfriendly they could roam around during the day attacking the player, if he gets to close.
3. Sheeps should be tamable
I have also played the extension mod and from there liked the idea that animals could be tamed. They were then glowing green and only then provide their product (milk and wool). Now i am not sure, whether this is possible with the original version of stranded 2, but if so, then we should make at least the sheep tamable. Similar to the extension mod the player could then use 1 cord and 1 sheaf to make 1 hay and 1 grain. The hay would then be required to tame the sheep. Perhaps we could even make it so that the sheep would need to be tamed every two or three days again. This makes it a little bit harder to retrieve milk and wool early on.
Perhaps the same can be done for chicken/rooster as well. So only when these are tamed they lay eggs.
Similar with the pigs that Aedolaws proposed. Only when these are tamed, then they produce piglets. BTW these pigs should be wild pigs with a brown color.
4. Rats, but with one more idea to it
I was also thinking about rats and that these could be a good food resource early in the game. However I also had the idea, that if they player does not manage to kill these, perhaps we can make it that they eat from the storage some food as well. So they could be a permanent threat. Especially in summer and autumn, when you stock up for winter and they eat your stored food at night.
For sure they should also be a target for the snares, so that this is another way the player can get rid of them. When attacking them directly, they could also cause a small damage to the player by attacking him.
So far that is it from my side. Let me try the latest version and come back with some other ideas or feedback.
I am also thinking of doing some scripting myself, just in case you need some support. I am actually able to program as well and what I have seen from the scripts, it does not look too hard.
Again keep up the good work.
Hey thank you for stopping in and posting your feedback! I really find it useful and helpful as I move forward to finish this mod.
If you check the To-Do list on top of page one, you will see there are plans to make the natives "tame-able" and infact build your own tribe. I will also be tweaking the bow natives more (current update their arrow speed has been increased dramatically) and I DO want them to change to a melee style attack when the player is "near" them...I am still working on them

Your assessments are spot on!
I hope your old "save" works in the new update, if you transfer it for the new ice feature to appear in winter..."crosses-fingers"...don't delete your old version just in case your save doesn't work...depends how old the one your playing currently is.
I will keep your suggestions in mind while I work on the upcoming update...There are still some things that will be added that will make the game harder/ the "event" animals will actually attack your food supplies/buildings (like you described with the rats). The bow native will go melee when your near him...and the upcoming new "friendly" natives will be tame-able to your own tribe. A few more things too.
You may want to review the Diary too for this update, as there are new combo's for bandaging, splinting, acquiring water, and new stuff like the telescope, and small game snare.
I will post what I have done by next weekend for Christmas vacation, so we can play over the holidays! Thanks much for your post!
I am pretty sure that this is probably my computer, i.e. some malware, but I noticed some mild constant lag every 3 or 4 steps.
Weird thing is that I do not remember experiencing ANY lag last week when I played the last version.
I tried anything that I could think of short of reinstalling factory setting for the computer.
Are you experiencing the same thing?
It is annoying, and I decided not to play until I reinstall factory settings and reinstall the game, etc.
But, I was wondering if you are experiencing the same thing. Again, I do not remember any lag last week; in fact, I was impressed... but hey, I Might have had too much beer on me... Let me know and I will retry.

Just drop it into the /mods/sys folder and over-write the old one.
Hi Aedolaws,
Here is the latest work/update thus far, I will officially post next weekend for Christmas. Try it and see if that lag is gone or still present...I'm not getting it on my computer.
If it is still there I know what it is and will have to do something about it...if it is gone then I think I may have already addressed the issue. It could be from a "save" maybe it is not compatible and somehow has extra timers running that could cause lag. IF you transferred a save that is.
TheSurvivalist_12_05_15 51.8MB
Thank you for the feedback...good!
It has the following To-Do list changes thus far:
p.s. If you suspect you may have malware, google it and download HITMANPRO free 30 day trial, no credit is an amazing cloud based remover, run the scanner once and they will be found and removed, then uninstall it if ya want. (it simply expires after 30 days, no strings)
Here is the latest work/update thus far, I will officially post next weekend for Christmas. Try it and see if that lag is gone or still present...I'm not getting it on my computer.
If it is still there I know what it is and will have to do something about it...if it is gone then I think I may have already addressed the issue. It could be from a "save" maybe it is not compatible and somehow has extra timers running that could cause lag. IF you transferred a save that is.

Thank you for the feedback...good!
It has the following To-Do list changes thus far:
p.s. If you suspect you may have malware, google it and download HITMANPRO free 30 day trial, no credit is an amazing cloud based remover, run the scanner once and they will be found and removed, then uninstall it if ya want. (it simply expires after 30 days, no strings)
edited 6×, last 09.12.15 07:58:43 am
edited 1×, last 07.12.15 03:06:01 pm
2) Snares. Thank you. I think you did a great Level 2 snare. Level 1 should be easier, i.e., just 2 vine + 2 branch and no bait = very low chance to catch + high chance of breakage (recover 1 +1).
If I need to wait for cotton + fruits + water (bendable branch) it is likely I would rather postpone until after 1st month, after I have taken care of fishing, net, bow, etc.
But it is the first week I think the "simplest snare" could have its biggest impact, even though it should be a very low productivity building.
Level 3 = current trap.
Then you need level 4, i.e. bamboo shelter with fence + door + bait = so that we can catch the biggest animals, lions, bears, sheep, etc. But that should be months down the line. Trapping would have its own line.
Hey man, thank you! I have noticed TONS of changes, graphics are best ever, but many other things, i.e., like the 3 extra hours, in this last version, all of which I like a lot. This is by far the best Stranded Mod out there.
Hey, any chance to:
A) Get to see a target's points without using a tool?
B) Press double E or R when processing or performing an action: to keep that action going, i.e., processing bark or cotton, or shopping for wood or mining.
I guess the goal is: how to reduce clicking (not time).
edited 10×, last 09.12.15 06:22:08 am
Hi scythe,
Thank you for stopping by and trying out the mod...I'm happy you enjoy it!
Stop back soon!
Thank you for stopping by and trying out the mod...I'm happy you enjoy it!
Stop back soon!
So here we have our level 1 snare/deadfall.

It works very similar to the small game snare.
1) To the left is the Deadfall Kit. Made from 3 easily found resources starting any new game. DEADFALL KIT= log + 2 branch + vine
2) Once you made the kit, you put it in your hand, then click the ground to "set" it there. It uses the vine as a "trip-wire" making the log fall onto the animal that triggers it. As you see on the right...poor wittle wabbit.

It is only different from the small game snare, in do not have to hit it after catching animals, to get your kit back. You simply pick up the log, 2 branches, and vine off the dead animal...then make a new kit. Also, there is only a 1 in 5 chance to catch anything, IF it is within 500 meters. (1 in 5 because it does not require bait that draws an animal by smell, but relies on a tripping mechanism)
It has the same radius, and catch loot as the small game snare currently. I believe both snare types will have the catch loot modified sooner than later...but for Christmas update they likely will be as is.
Hey Aedolaws,
Glad to hear the changes are working out...I am trying real hard to keep things following some basic outlines...such as what color texts are used for different types of messages, or how a new item or object looks and fits with the rest of the mod...etc. Many other things as you probably notice/know.
A) I do not know if /how we could check the targets health without engaging it some way...I will think about it more.
You only break your hands on trees or rock, so maybe I could go ahead and show the targets health when you simply hit the thing empty handed. Then you'd only need a tool hitting trees or rock?
Would that be cool?
B) This is something I have looked into before, I will have to look into it again, I think I did and something was amiss. It would be something like using the M key for the Map, or double tapping M to write on the map...I don't know how I would make the script run "auto" ...hmmm...unless you can click once per action as currently, then if you click it twice very fast it sets a script loop, that keeps doing the action....hmm I will look into again. I don't know the answer currently.
Glad to hear the changes are working out...I am trying real hard to keep things following some basic outlines...such as what color texts are used for different types of messages, or how a new item or object looks and fits with the rest of the mod...etc. Many other things as you probably notice/know.
A) I do not know if /how we could check the targets health without engaging it some way...I will think about it more.
You only break your hands on trees or rock, so maybe I could go ahead and show the targets health when you simply hit the thing empty handed. Then you'd only need a tool hitting trees or rock?
Would that be cool?
B) This is something I have looked into before, I will have to look into it again, I think I did and something was amiss. It would be something like using the M key for the Map, or double tapping M to write on the map...I don't know how I would make the script run "auto" ...hmmm...unless you can click once per action as currently, then if you click it twice very fast it sets a script loop, that keeps doing the action....hmm I will look into again. I don't know the answer currently.
P.S. Btw Aedolaws...thanks for the ideas and input, as you can tell I really took a liking to the snare ideas. Real cool!

edited 7×, last 08.12.15 02:06:18 pm
The only issue that I can foresee with this new line of snares (1 and 2) is exploiting them by setting up 10s of them. Although that is precisely what should be done in the wild, my guess is that in the wild chances of capture are less.
So, somehow, there has to be a balance between increasing chance of capture the more you build + decreasing chance of capture with the more you build. Or if you want to keep it simple, just do a distance limiter.
But, I guess we'll tweak in a couple of months after people have a chance to adjust their start strategies.
Great job man!!
edited 6×, last 09.12.15 06:31:46 am
Most of you will love this version best due to the optimization technique I applied this update. I promise.

Download and review the change-log from the top of page one, or any of my signatures.
"The only issue that I can foresee with this new line of snares (1 and 2) is exploiting them by setting up 10s of them."
Consider snares have to be 500 meters apart...and think of starting a new map...where it is very difficult to roam very far with out having the food/water to manage yourself. I think players may get a few set up at most during the first week. Once you get an axe logs come easy...but by then I would imagine the player has already exploited the small game near them. So...hopefully late game, it will remain balanced between usefulness, and no reason to exploit if there is physically no small game present (500meters), then the snares just get tripped every night.
edited 1×, last 09.12.15 10:45:24 pm
Thank you for adding the info on damage without tools.
Really like building damage/repairs.
Testing snares.
Dude you did a lot of work on this last version.
I got an island going. But very little time next few weeks.
Again, thank you. YOu should put a link on the first post for donations. Or some links to sponsors, or something.
And congrats on 1500 posts.