A mod of Stranded II - Massive Mod - A fun, free and challenging survival game!

Much credit goes to Builder2-0 for bringing us massive mod...i have enjoyed it truly...With his blessings via message, he has sent his regards and best wishes upon this mod The Survivalist.
In this mod HARD mode and Larger maps are the main focus... they are geared to yield challenging game play, even for a seasoned survivalist. However, for a new comer or unseasoned player, EASY and NORMAL mode offer a learning curve where a player can advance to HARD or EXPERT mode, and be prepared to face the harsh conditions.
Return to this very post often for updates to further your adventure as The Survivalist. This mod will be added to the forum's files archive for downloading, upon it's completion. Currently available at the below link thru Mediafire.
Good Luck! and have fun!
Return to this very post often for updates to further your adventure as The Survivalist. This mod will be added to the forum's files archive for downloading, upon it's completion. Currently available at the below link thru Mediafire.
Good Luck! and have fun!


Mod Features:
Future Releases & To-Do List:
Latest Images:
Change Log:

100's of added items and all have uses.
Upgrade weapons and tools including arrows.
Unique Health system including fever, infection and cures.
Unique body temperature influenced by environmental factors.
Unique sleeping and bed/healing system.
Unpredictable AI animal behavior.
Randomly generated maps every game is different.
4 modes of difficulty, higher modes introduce more dangerous animals.
A huge expanded planting farming system.
A fall damage system, the higher you fall from the more sever consequences, (blackout, injury, death)
Food spoiling/preservative system.
A unique "clue" system supporting escaping the island feature.
A unique climbing system, you can climb just about anything.
Unique storm and monsoon seasonal occurrences damaging buildings you need to repair.
Over 1,000,000 million lines of added script.
Realtime weight vs speed tracking.
Ability to build your own tribe of workers and warriors who listen to commands, perform tasks, and require your care.
4 seasons of weather and temperature fluctuation.
Random events that add hunting and defending challenges.
Expanding buildings menu and various tasks they support.
Ability to breed sheep, chickens, bees, and kiwi.
Ability to tame monkeys, natives, a horse, and a dog.
Your pet dog can hunt for you and obey commands with a dog whistle.
Improved environment and map generation.
Unique day/night system, time, and lighting.
Many added items and objects with uses like a lantern, or greenhouse.
Unique trapping system setting deadfall and snares.
A complete crafting menu and object/task instructions in the diary for reference while playing.
Unique scoring system and tiered achievement scoring based on your performance. Revealed when you die on your Official Survival Rating page.
Upgrade weapons and tools including arrows.
Unique Health system including fever, infection and cures.
Unique body temperature influenced by environmental factors.
Unique sleeping and bed/healing system.
Unpredictable AI animal behavior.
Randomly generated maps every game is different.
4 modes of difficulty, higher modes introduce more dangerous animals.
A huge expanded planting farming system.
A fall damage system, the higher you fall from the more sever consequences, (blackout, injury, death)
Food spoiling/preservative system.
A unique "clue" system supporting escaping the island feature.
A unique climbing system, you can climb just about anything.
Unique storm and monsoon seasonal occurrences damaging buildings you need to repair.
Over 1,000,000 million lines of added script.
Realtime weight vs speed tracking.
Ability to build your own tribe of workers and warriors who listen to commands, perform tasks, and require your care.
4 seasons of weather and temperature fluctuation.
Random events that add hunting and defending challenges.
Expanding buildings menu and various tasks they support.
Ability to breed sheep, chickens, bees, and kiwi.
Ability to tame monkeys, natives, a horse, and a dog.
Your pet dog can hunt for you and obey commands with a dog whistle.
Improved environment and map generation.
Unique day/night system, time, and lighting.
Many added items and objects with uses like a lantern, or greenhouse.
Unique trapping system setting deadfall and snares.
A complete crafting menu and object/task instructions in the diary for reference while playing.
Unique scoring system and tiered achievement scoring based on your performance. Revealed when you die on your Official Survival Rating page.
Future Releases & To-Do List:

Next update release: mid-August 2020
I tweaked the fall damage script sensitivity while also eliminating the delay in the "results" of the detection. (complete)
The 1366x768 resolution in graphics options was changed to 1360x768. If you use 1366 monitor you will require to set this in options to 1360. (complete)
The lighting final adjustment. Fades smoother and night time has a tiny bit more light now. (complete)
In winter season, if there is a bed or fire present your body temp will not drop when sleeping. (complete)
New Item: Moss. Can be picked up from mushroom patches. You can use this to grow mushrooms where ever you drop it. (complete)
Some reduction in lag, especially noticeable at the start of a new map. Re-scripted some units eliminating some timers.(complete)
Some unit sounds distance volumes scripted... if the unit is close it's louder than if far away.(complete)
Note: See change-log for past changes spanning over 5 years.

Note: See change-log for past changes spanning over 5 years.
Latest Images:
Change Log:

Note: Due to the huge length of the change log, and the limits of the forum page text field, only the most recent fixes are now posted here.
See the change log file in the main folder after downloading for a complete list of change log spanning the last 5 years.
All fixes/changes: December 24TH Christmas Update 12-24-19
A final breakthrough in the main 5 second timer "tick lag" script. Divided it into smaller scripts, making smaller engine friendly scripts. Also, many thanks to Assassin moder for his Def_extend idea. Both these modifications has improved the over-all smoothness alot while enhancing weapon aiming with minimal interference from lag spikes.(complete)
New Item: Hot Chocolate - made like hot coffee at a fire, but uses combo chocolate + sheep milk, with a coffee mug. Will add warmth to body temperature too just like coffee, useful in winter season or reducing exhaustion. Also alleviates calcium or sweets cravings.(complete)
New Fireplace Models: When you add or take logs out of the firepit, the model changes showing how many logs are in the pit. You can now visually see logs without physically checking the pit. As the logs burn up, the model changes displaying how many logs are in the pit.(complete)
The fireplace charcoal production amounts is based on how many logs (1-4 fit) are in the pit. Charcoal will be produced via formula:(X # of logs + 1). So if you have 0 logs in, it produces 1 charcoal per check...if you have 3 logs in, it produces 4 charcoal per check. etc.(complete)
The Logging Sled, when attached to a horse, can now transport stones and pebbles, in addition to logs.(complete)
When dismounting from the horse the sled could stop a little to far behind the horse, fixed.(complete)
The horse wandering left and right on it's own when riding, was reduced, but you still have to maintain control when riding.(complete)
New Model: Charcoal, no longer uses the old bark model.(complete)
The distiller takes twice as long in all productions. The salt yield was randomized resulting in 5-15 per bottle of saltwater. This helps create more incentive to maximize distiller production habits...as with incentives designed within all other tasks.(balance)(complete)
Item descriptions when clicked in your inventory, edited with pertinent information, new stuff.(complete)
Final adjustments to forge/kiln burnable materials. Charcoal(3x) and coal dust(2x) burns up faster in the forge or kiln.(balance)(complete)
The Warrior Tribe members will report if "No hostiles are near!" then return to idle "stay" command...upon blowing the horn to defend.(complete)
Some new sound files for the horse, different type sheep, and forge/kiln fire.(complete)
I did not realize I broke the fall damage script a while back...missed parentheses in a script. Fixed. Be more careful climbing off, and jumping off, rocks and trees or you will get hurt.(complete)
The Herbal Garden stops spawning Herbs bug fixed. Missed adding a variable needed in script.(complete)
All Chicken Coop feeds consumption adjusted lower for each tier. Tiers being 0-6 chickens slowest, 6-12 chickens medium, 13+ chickens fastest.(balance)(complete)
When cutting a steak from large red meat, you now get 2 fat from the trimmings, per steak. This sweetens the deal a little, as it was a bad deal when compared to 2 small meat, unless you use it for advanced sandwiches. Fat also being a food, or tinder, and produces oil, it can be vital early on, or when without a cotton source.(balance)(complete)
You can now combo cut more than 1 bone marrow at a time 1/5/10. (complete)
You can now combo cut more than 1 large fish fillet at a time 1/10, the same as large red meat.(complete)
Lanterns continuing to smoke after they burn out, fixed.(complete)
All units, trees, palms, bushes, and plants...have a corona effect when destroyed, like the tree has always had.(complete)
The new corona effects are size specific and color coded to red hostile units, green friendly units, yellow all inanimate objects.(complete)
All natural rocks will drop a small amount of unstacked stones, pebbles, or clay...when destroyed. Amount dependent on size and type.complete)
All wild bushes and wild plants will drop a small amount of unstacked leaves, branches, or starch...when destroyed. Amount dependent on size and type.(complete)
All trees when falling them, has the loot logs unstacked and spread out randomly. You can now visually see how many logs are dropped.(complete)
Bone Pile model was modified into more scattered bones increasing the radius. This helps in retrieving inaccessible bones below terrain or in a tree trunk, and some rocks.(complete)
Hostile fish behavior when hitting them was altered. They will flee and have random ai reactions. This will make standing on the shoreline and exploiting them to approach the shoreline while striking them less effective and less desirable.(complete)
The tall grasses yielding +1 Farming when cutting them down, reduced to a 1 in 3 chance per cut.(balance)(complete)
New Unit: Poison Spider. Green in color, a little larger than the regular spider. Hostile with 0 damage biting but can inflict poison.(complete)
The Redwood Tree beehive spawning hives increased from 6 days to 18 days.(balance)(complete)
To build the BeeKeeper building now requires: Honeycomb and BeesWax, instead of a Beehive. This change is relevant to the populating of bees, and being able to move bees to a new BeeKeeper to expand your colony. Now you can produce honeycomb to build the next keeper instead of waiting to find a beehive, and having no place to keep captive your populating bees.(complete).
When destroying the beekeeper you get back some of the honeycomb and beeswax used in building it. Not a beehive.(complete)
When you find a beehive, the amount of bees that swarm was reduced and spread out 40 extra meters.(balance)(complete)
You can now climb around and stand on boats without sinking through into the water. Re-scripted and added dummy object models that replace the unit models when you stop driving them, and visa-versa.(complete)
New Item: Flint Powder-will be used instead of cement powder when making bullets and buckshot. In older days was used to ignite gunpowder in firearms.(complete)
New Combo: Flint Powder=flint + hammer or flint + stone. Needed more uses for accumulating flint.(complete)
Diary edits with new combinations flint powder, bullets, buckshot. (complete)
New model: Shotgun Shell, buckshot. Replaces the bullet model for buckshot.(complete)
The bug when your rucksack is full and you are encumbered with weight, then get stuck, fixed.(complete)
You will need to park the horse much closer to the logging sled in order to attach it.(complete)
The horse had a bug where it accumulates an added "timer" every time you use it with the sled. This causes severe lag over a short time until you dismount from the horse. Fixed!(complete)
All items have been scripted to make sure they drop at your feet anytime your rucksack is to full to hold the said item.(complete)
All fixes/changes: November 28TH Thanksgiving Update 11-28-19
Fixed the random lighting glitch after sleeping or loading a save, once n for all i found the culprit.(complete)
When a "unit drowns in the sea", the text now shows the name of the unit type.(complete)
When a unit "drowns in the sea" you can retrieve it's loot, if you can locate it's bone pile.(complete)
Fixed the double-texture glitch when the tamed horse is loaded after saving the map.(complete)
If your tamed horse gets wounded/bleeding, you can't ride it and you must bandage it, just like your pet wolfdog or tribe members.(complete)
When starting a new map, some features causing lag was re-scripted to eliminate the lag.(complete)
The intro when starting a new map was reconfigured/scripted, loading smoother. Removed the saving/reloading.(complete)
Several more script modifications increasing speed and reducing lag.(complete)
The tall grasses now "sway" in the wind like other stuff.(complete)
When looking out over the sea, the the coral and objects appearing to show through the water fixed.(complete)
Fixed the bug when bark-branching to light the forge and you only get a message "no campfire near!".(complete)
I remade the campfire pit model improving its appearance.(complete)
I remade the branch model improving its appearance.(complete)
Campfire, forge, and kiln fire was enhanced, along with the sound files for them.(complete)
Eliminated a timer that controlled the campfire flames. Replaced it with a new script that reduces stress/lag on the engine.(complete)
Enhanced many textures including stone/rock texture, water and waves texture, and many others. The rocks and sea looks awesome to me now.(complete)
New Item: Mixed Flower Seeds. Can be used with a bucket to mix regular chicken feed for the coop.(complete)
New Combo: flowerseed+flowerseed= 2 mixed flowerseed.(complete)
New Combo: flowerseed+mixedflowerseed= 1 mixed flowerseed.(complete)
New Combo: mixed flowerseed+bucket=chickenfeed. (complete)
Diary edits in the crafting section with new combo info.(complete)
After planting stuff, clearing the dirt mounds with no effort requires using a hoe as intended originally...or else you have 2000 hit points of damage to do before fixing the ground.(complete)
Shooting units from high positions, like when you are on top of a rock, fixed. The collision was bad and projectiles didn't hit properly, if at all.(complete)
The forge heating iron takes a little bit longer now.(balance)(complete)
A ghost message that the kiln building unlocked removed, as it already unlocks when the forge is build anyways.(complete)
All fixes/changes: November 11TH Update 11-11-19
The new wild horse unit can now spawn being of 4 different colors. White, Black, Brown/tan, Brown/gold... adding variety.(complete)
The new tamed horse unit didn't have any loot when killed. (fixed)(complete)
The new wild horse unit will now flee from the player momentarily after the player is thrown. (complete)
Fixed the goofy looking eyes on the horse model.(complete)
Only one horse will be spawned on the map. A new random color one will spawn at random, if the current one is killed.(complete)
The hands drinking water animation was not despawning at water rocks and underground springs fixed.(complete)
The insect repellent model changed to look like the icon represents it as.(complete)
Now anytime you cut the island grasses you acquire +1 Farming skill point per grass. This will help being able to plant advanced crops sooner, while making it a reward for the effort.(balance)(complete)
All fixes/changes: Nov 8th Update 11-05-19
Re-Uploaded the update because I created a new script that eliminates the lag when swinging/hitting at units and objects.(complete)
Some various edits to some item n tool descriptions when highlighted in the inventory.(complete)
Performance tweaks to some scripts reducing some lag.(complete)
Cleaning out the kiln oven reduced to +10 Pottery points(balance)(complete)
New texture for the flint and flint items.(complete)
New Diary edits: In the Operations section adding info on the new Horse and Sled units, and updating some old info.(complete)
New units: A Wild Horse that can be broke by riding it, to make it tamed. Once tamed it can be ridden to travel, or attach a logging sled to it to move logs efficiently.(complete)
The new tamed horse will require you to feed it just like other pets and tribe members, or they will eventually die of starvation. Eats apples, pears, cornseed or grain.(complete)
New unit: Logging Sled. Used to move up to 10 logs when attached to a tamed horse. It can only carry logs in it's inventory. Only one can be built at a time, as the build menu will lock it, until the current one is destroyed.(complete)
The bee units flying behavior was changed to fly like the mosquito, but with regular bee speed.(complete)
Some missing footsteps sound effects, of some units movements was added, such as the monkeys, bear, and puma. You can hear them coming now too.(complete)
On starting a new map and swimming ashore, sharks and piranha despawn range increased to 1400 meters from the player, allowing more time to get ashore before being attacked.(complete)
The range of spawning event units was lowered from random 400/1000 to 400/800...from the players position.(complete)
When bark branching to start a fire you see some flame and spark flicker along with the smoke. (complete)
Fixed a script error the was causing extra lag when starting a new island and you are wet. (complete)
Fixed the lighting glitch that sometimes occurs when waking in the early morning from a sleep. (complete)
Added some more details to the diary operations section on Escaping The Island and Clues.(complete)
Catching a turtle or crab while fishing sometimes dropped the catch at your feet when you still had room in your inventory. Also a message added informing you caught turtle/crab.(complete)
Bone Piles were not disappearing on the 2nd new day update like intended, due to a script error. (complete)
All fixes/changes: July 4th Update 07-04-19
The evening and morning light cycle tweaked, final adjustment.(complete)
The floating debris crate and barrel can be further out in the water, and sit at random rotation positions.(complete)
The hut building now can also be unlocked earlier after building a water trough, rather than at the current hunting level.(complete)
When killing a unit, their bone pile will not despawn the first new day update at midnight. They now despawn on the second midnight update. So if you have one bleeding out that dies at 11:59 you can still retrieve its bones the next day.(complete)
Minor diary updates to the "operations" section. (complete)
Sound effects added. Beyond 10000 meters in water is consider "High Seas" and the jungle ambient sounds changes to big waves.(complete)
Some of the units HP was lowered to make sense. Like you shouldn't need to hit a turtle 15 times to kill it...or a scorpion or small fish.(complete)
The scripts dealing with hitting stuff and showing the effects have been fine tuned and optimized. They run much smoother now.(complete)
For the major event animals, if you have wounded them and they are bleeding, the injured unit does not despawn along with the others.(complete)
For the major event animals, they now have a 50/50 chance each hit to incur a bleeding wound.(complete)
∗ You can now attempt escape once the galleon ship is unlocked at peak survivor level. You must have possession of the 6 message-in-a-bottle directional clues, and have a compass on harder modes, to initiate the escape menu upon using the ship.(complete)
If you fail at escaping the island during the mission, you lose the current clue you were navigating to the sea. A new clue randomly spawns on the island somewhere at new day midnight updates.(complete)
Escaping the island instructions added to the diary operations.(complete)
Game ending: How the game ends when the player escapes. If you navigate the 6 clue directions properly you escape and proclaim victory. Your OSR score page will then be displayed.(complete)
All fixes/changes: Summer Update Update 06-21-19
Huge Performance boost! This boost I have looked for in script for 3 years, finally i got it working. (complete)
Catching the turtle while fishing with a full rucksack fixed. The turtle no longer drops the dummy item on the ground.(complete)
During summer season only from 9pm till 11pm fireflies will flicker on n off in the night with a green light as they do.(complete)
Found still another script tweak reducing the lag spike when hitting stuff and you hear your footsteps occasionally, now less intrusive.(complete)
I went over the weights of items again and adjusted a few for balance to make more sense. Such as branches, clay items, and a few others reduced.(complete)
See the change log file in the main folder after downloading for a complete list of change log spanning the last 5 years.
All fixes/changes: December 24TH Christmas Update 12-24-19

All fixes/changes: November 28TH Thanksgiving Update 11-28-19

All fixes/changes: November 11TH Update 11-11-19

All fixes/changes: Nov 8th Update 11-05-19

All fixes/changes: July 4th Update 07-04-19

∗ You can now attempt escape once the galleon ship is unlocked at peak survivor level. You must have possession of the 6 message-in-a-bottle directional clues, and have a compass on harder modes, to initiate the escape menu upon using the ship.(complete)

All fixes/changes: Summer Update Update 06-21-19

edited 250×, last 27.07.20 09:51:29 am