Please show me how!

Admin/mod comment

function Array(s,v) 	local a = {} 	for i = 1,s do 		a[i] = v 	end 	return a end vip = Array(32,0) function LoadAccount(id) 	local usgn = player(id,"usgn") 	if usgn > 0 then 		local file ="sys/lua/"..usgn..".txt","r") 		if file then 			vip[id] = tonumber(file:read()); 		end 	end end function SaveAccount(id,level) 	local usgn = player(id,"usgn") 	if usgn > 0 then 		local file ="sys/lua/"..usgn..".txt","w") 		file:write(level) 		file:close() 	end end addhook("join","_joinHook") function _joinHook(id) 	vip[id] = 0 	LoadAccount(id) 	if vip[id] == 1 then 		msg2(id,"©000255000You are VIP!@C") 	end end addhook("say","_sayHook") function _sayHook(id,txt) for pl = 1,32 do 	if txt == "!addvip """ then 		vip[pl] = 1 		SaveAccount(pl,1) 		return 1 	elseif txt == "!removevip """ then 		vip[pl] = 0 		SaveAccount(pl,0) 		return 1 	end end end
local file ="sys/lua/"..usgn..".txt","r") local file ="sys/lua/"..usgn..".txt","w")
local file ="sys/lua/saves/"..usgn..".txt","r") local file ="sys/lua/saves/"..usgn..".txt","w")
addhook("say","_sayHook") function _sayHook(id,txt) for pl = 1,32 do if txt == "!addvip """ then vip[pl] = 1 SaveAccount(pl,1) return 1 elseif txt == "!removevip """ then vip[pl] = 0 SaveAccount(pl,0) return 1 end end end
addhook("say","_sayHook") function _sayHook(id,txt) 	for pl = 1,32 do 		if txt == "!addvip """ then 			if vip[pl] == 0 then 				vip[pl] = 1 				SaveAccount(pl,1) 				msg2(pl,"©255255255You're now VIP!") 				return 1 			else 				msg2(id,"©255000000Error: The player you wanted to add is already VIP!") 			end 		elseif txt == "!removevip """ then 			if vip[pl] == 1 then 				vip[pl] = 0 				SaveAccount(pl,0) 				msg2(pl,"©255255255Your vip status has been removed!") 				return 1 			else 				msg2(id,"©255000000Error: This guy is NOT VIP!") 			end 		end 	end end
addhook("serveraction","a") function a(if,a) 	if a == 1 then 		if vip[id] == 1 then 		menu(id,"Test,A,B,C") 		else 		msg2(id,"©255255255Error, Only VIP Acess the Menu !") 		end 	end end addhook("menu","b") function b(id,t,b) 	if t == "Test" then 		if b == 1 then 			msg("123") 		elseif b == 2 then 			msg("1234") 		elseif b == 3 then 			msg("12345") 		end 	end end addhook("say","c") function c(id,t 		if vip[id] == 1 then 			if t == "!on" 			msg("©255255255 VIP : "..player(id,"name").." ON.") 		else 			msg2(id,"©255255255 Error, Commands Only to Vips") 			return 1 		end 	end end
addhook("serveraction","_action") function _action(id,action) 	if action == 1 then 		if vip[id] == 1 then 			menu(id,"Test,A,B,C") -- THE MENU 		else 			 --It's pointless to put Error text, in my opinon. 		end 	end end addhook("menu","_menu") function _menu(id,title,button) 	if title == "Test" then -- TITTLE OF MENU 		if button == 1 then -- B = BUTTONS IN MENU 			msg("123") --You can use menu(id,"Test2") too! 		elseif button == 2 then 			msg("1234") 		elseif button == 3 then 			msg("12345") 		end 	end end addhook("say","_say") function _say(id,t) 	if t == "!on" then 		if vip[id] == 1 then 			msg("©255255255"..player(id,"name").." |VIP| "..txt) 			return 1 		else 			msg2(id,"©255255255This command is only for Vip/Admin!") 		end 	end end
local file ="sys/lua/OCP 2.0/OCP config/"..usgn..".txt","r")
list_adm = {00000} -- ADM function ADMS(id) 	for _, usgn in ipairs(list_adm) do 		if (player(id,"usgn") == usgn) then 			return true 		end 	end 	return false end -- ARRAY function initArray(m) local array = {} 	for i = 1, m do array[i]=0 	end return array end -- CODE vip = initArray(32,0) function LoadAccount(id) local usgn = player(id,"usgn") if usgn > 0 then local file ="sys/lua/OCP 2.0/OCP config/"..usgn..".txt","r") -- Line error. if file then vip[id] = tonumber(file:read()); end end end function SaveAccount(id,level) local usgn = player(id,"usgn") if usgn > 0 then local file ="sys/lua/OCP 2.0/OCP config/"..usgn..".txt","w") file:write(level) file:close() end end addhook("join","_joinHook") function _joinHook(id) vip[id] = 0 LoadAccount(id) if vip[id] == 1 then msg2(id,"©000255000You are VIP!@C") end end addhook("say","_sayHook") function _sayHook(id,txt) 		if ADMS(id) then 	for pl = 1,32 do if txt == "!addvip """ then if vip[pl] == 0 then vip[pl] = 1 SaveAccount(pl,1) msg2(pl,"©255255255You're now VIP!") return 1 else msg2(id,"©255000000Error: The player you wanted to add is already VIP!") end elseif txt == "!removevip """ then if vip[pl] == 1 then vip[pl] = 0 SaveAccount(pl,0) msg2(pl,"©255255255Your vip status has been removed!") return 1 else msg2(id,"©255000000Error: This guy is NOT VIP!") end end end 	 end -- if ADMS end