A Glow of a ramdomly color is selected on a ramdom player, so this player is the runner. The player who kills him, will get the glow for himself, and auto remove the glow from the runner. Do you understand? Or just let one color of glow, then the administrator could use any command or menu, to change de runner and to change de color of the glow. Can you please? I really need that. Thanks (:
CS2D Scripts A RunnerA Runner
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A Glow of a ramdomly color is selected on a ramdom player, so this player is the runner. The player who kills him, will get the glow for himself, and auto remove the glow from the runner. Do you understand? Or just let one color of glow, then the administrator could use any command or menu, to change de runner and to change de color of the glow. Can you please? I really need that. Thanks (: