
Also, while I was at it I made a quick sketch of what a native could look like:
Carried away, I drew a concept picture of the plant generation idea I had:
After, I had an interesting idea of a concept P2P stranded III server, and I drew that:
After, I got carried away and drew a bunch of random survival tools and stuff:
Afterwards I had and Idea to do with item saving/loading:
And then I drew a picture of a wooden spear:
Anyway, I like the new optimized map saving. Also, it could possibly be used for an optional p2p multiplayer, or some derivative of that.
edited 5×, last 14.02.22 04:58:19 am


Sorry if I seem like I might've come off as an ass with this post, it isn't my intention.

It sure would be something special to release it some day. No question about that. I'm also sure that there would be more than enough to do for me after a release. Patching and improving the game and also other new projects.
Do you feel it's incomplete, and won't ever truly be complete?
In short: yes.
The longer answer: I guess every developer always knows things which could be improved in their projects. There's no "complete" in software development. One could of course define a strict feature list and say the game is done when everything on that list is implemented and when there are no known "critical" bugs anymore but that's not what I do.

I see why it might be frustrating to some watching and waiting for S3 to be released, but I'd much prefer to have a game developed with love and dedication over 20 years than one thrust out in 9 months of stress and pressure - that's what we have commercial titles from dedicated studios for. And there really isn't a lack of those in the market!

I really hope, you decide to do something like that – release a (totally incomplete) version that allows only for the most basic gameplay. It might spark new motivation and overcome a tendency for perfectionism, maybe? Anyhow, it would be a huge gift for the community.
Even if you realized barely the mechanics of S2, the jungle-feeling in your last entry excites me just to walk along and collect some wood by punching trees for hours

If you ask me, you don’t need another gap.

While there may be bugs you know of that other people aren't aware of, the more time you give them to discover these, the more well-documented they will be for their benefit as well as your own benefit. That's the reason wikis are so successful and useful.
Now, I'm sure there is some worry about what the internet hooligans could do with the source code and etc. but by using open source methods, people can patch vulnerabilities and also report versions of the game on other websites being used for bad purposes (ie. monetization, virus-injection, or claiming unmerited ownership) and take necessary action. I feel like the unreal software community is responsible enough to handle any hurdles along the way, and I think many will agree with that.
If you decide to take that route, I recommend starting a new project thread (as well as a comments thread) for development of open source versions of Stranded 3, and have admins take down any unnecessary or unrelated posts, such that it would be more or less in the same manner as your own dev blog on stranded 3, but with different people contributing.
Download links for files including the fixes/changes presented in blog posts would be necessary, as would management of said links to avoid malicious content or posts.
Anyway, I've said my piece. If someone has a better idea, feel free to discuss it.

The main issue I foresee would be quality control. I suggest a controlled release if
Of course, this is

At the end of the day, there is no hurry.
There may be scores of other games online, but it is worth remembering that the only real competition is among the high-paid over-budget developing studios that lead the commercial gaming sector.
Making SIII open source is currently NOT an option to me. The reasons are basically the same as the ones for not working in a team (read Development section here for details). In short: I don't want to manage the work of others. I want to create & develop.

Pentesters or hackers don't even bother reading the source code most of the time, it's much easier just to throw some automatic tools at a problem and see what happens. OpenSourcing a software is more likely to improve security since other people can look through the code and notice any vulnerabilities.
But yes, maintaining is additional work and i can understand if DC does not want to do that.

Keeping game open-sourced means more vulnerabilities since there will be multiplayer function. I bet that game will be very flexible in case of modding it so no need to have it open sourced. It is also hard to maintain whole internet to prevent any shady modifications of any source of any software, especially when DC is mostl Soy a lone right now
Sometimes when you're open-source'ing your game, it might become a vulnerability to malicious people. I think you can make your game open to the others but you might hide any important files from them, like connecting user to USGN service, server or anything.

I'm glad too see so much progress! but... personally I don't like Bloom effect, it would be nice to have options to disable/enable most post-effects
That's already built-in. You can enable/disable all of them. For most you can even control the intensity.