LUA ERROR: Cannot add 'test' to hook 'connect_attempt' (hook does not exist)!
This happen when I try create hook.
@C) msg or msg2 the message won't centre (because it's registering the path as part of the message even though only the image shows).
[22:15:52] U.S.G.N.: Player (xx.xx.xx.xx) joining with U.S.G.N. ID #XXX - verifying... [22:15:53] U.S.G.N.: xx.xx.xx.xx is using U.S.G.N. ID #YYY
U.S.G.N.: Player (xxx) joining with U.S.G.N. ID #XXX - verifying... U.S.G.N.: xxx is NOT LOGGED IN!
U.S.G.N.: Player (xx.xx.xx.xx) joining with U.S.G.N. ID #XXX - verifying... U.S.G.N.: xx.xx.xx.xx is using U.S.G.N. ID #YYY