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Englisch CS2D Bug Reports

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alt Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Admin Off Offline

Ah, the mousex/mousey imprecision is a good point! It's most likely directly related to the rotation issue because it's based on the same data. If I remember correctly it is calculated using the rotation + a distance value. If you want pixel perfect values cs2d lua cmd reqcld is probably the only way with the current version (even though the related options are marked as deprecated in the documentation).

Trying to sync something like bullet spread with CS2D is a waste of time in my opinion. Shots are sent unreliably and without order (like movements) which is a pretty bad foundation for such a feature. Making a good system there would require fundamental changes in the networking code which is currently out of scope. Sorry!

alt Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

If will be released take care about broken weapon named xm1014!
In the page m3 and xm1014 has the same range, but in fact m3 range is higher and xm1014 range is around 96 pixels, which is not 50 range(50*3=150pixels).
And the damage of xm1014 is 110 in total as the page above is tell us, is total 70 max by default.
For the stupid balance between these guns is high price difference, their prices must be swiped for that case but tho, there is my vision:
M3 Must be like that, without taking care of its price this gun is balanced good for its range.
XM1014 Should have 110 damage in total and equal to M3 range. Firing speed must be lowered by 1 point, but not equal to m3 and be faster still.

Currently xm1014 is total useless gun and moreover is overpriced, even its range is lookin silly and too short, m3 is op as long as xm1014 is like that. We can change fire rate and damage but no range it touchable, plus all these parameters should be set as default cuz not all know how to change specific values.

I don't think that is so fuckin' hard to literally change(fix!) few numbers, eventually.

Anytime when join any server, where I have the same map but on server it has changes I have choice:
1)Download map temporary
2)Download map and rewrite it
3)Do not load
^ but in the first case I'm starting to downloadin' resources and always the last message is appeared:

Even tho this server/map is not using such "Mora_Iran.png" tileset but the message says that exactly this file is missing. (no matter what map, server, anywhere Mora_Iran.png is required -.-)
6× editiert, zuletzt 09.03.24 16:55:30

alt Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Security Supporter Off Offline

Sprites hidden on trigger won't disappear from the radar. Likewise, sprites spawned on trigger will probably not be displayed there (haven't tested it).

alt Re: CS2D Bug Reports

Admin Off Offline

@user Kolia_rus: The radar/minimap is pre-rendered for performance reasons. Therefore no changes in the map will be visible on it. Changing this would be a major task and is very unlikely to happen. It also would most likely cause performance issues.

alt Re: CS2D Bug Reports

User Off Offline

Players now pick up only as many grenades from the floor as they need to get full ammo (EngiN33R).

This still doesn't work. If you drop a Flashbang, then buy 2 Flashbangs and drop them in the same spot, you'll collect one but equip two, and there will be two on the ground.

@Edit: Collecting Flashbangs is insanely broken. I wasn't able to pick up a single Flashbang in one scenario, while in another scenario I was able to pick up 3 or 4 Flashbangs. It's not difficult to reproduce—just mess around with the Flashbang amounts and pick them up on the same tile or different tiles.
1× editiert, zuletzt 26.07.24 18:41:49
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