Prints human-readable information about a players in console like in CS:GO.
CS2D General Ideas for CS2D - READ THE FIRST POST (OP)!Prints human-readable information about a players in console like in CS:GO.
Actually there already is listplayers but it provides less information than the command in CS:GO.
I know right that the Gate Fields are removable buildings when you click X or when you leave the server.
GeoB99 has written
I mean, on others buildings for example Gate Field it can be removed if you click "X" near the name but on other buildings they don't have this thing especially Walls, Barricades and Barbed Wire.
Read my reply properly, I mentioned correctly about this.
CaneCorso has written
when u leave the game , it's keep neutral buildings , so doesn't matter .
Depends on this: mp_killbuildings
Is it possible to talk in-game, you talk via your mic, like in real cs, but only people with admins permission can talk, also, you can mute them in options?
Voice chat (we've been over this...)
Voice chat (we've been over this...)
GeoB99 has written
@ Black Wolf: Your second idea is like a voice chat for CS2D which is forbidden to suggest:
Voice chat (we've been over this...)
Voice chat (we've been over this...)
I didnt notice it, my bad
Remove "LAN" from the Server Board, I doubt that anyone uses it and that it is useful for a single LAN server to have a seperated board. Instead LAN servers can be shown at the top of the "Latency" filter.
Remove the easter egg of the welcome menu, because it is old. Instead you could add a new one? ;p Are there anyones that we did not find yet?
Make a selection of the servers shown in the serverlist, because there are like 100 servers per ~200 players and a lot of them having the same map with 0 players or a few players. It would be smarter to have 1 server with the same map so more players would meet each other and the game would not be that "dead" considering the competitive standard maps. I doubt that the long filter function is used.
Maybe a selective top 30 servers would help to get the players together, so the game would be more competitive again. I write a lot about this here, because I believe it is a main cause of inactivity in standart competitions. There are too many servers. I don't want to restrict anyone's freedom of adding servers but there is no sense in having 100 servers. Make it 30-50 limited (No matter how. Idea: Show only the top 50 active servers?). Inactive servers (also the one only with bots) should get down. The owners would better save money.
I would appreciate a limiation of the length of the servernames and map names. Possibly a restrictive order. Maybe 20 characters for the servername and [mode]_[name with max. 15 characters] for the map. We don't need servers like:
Name Map
ustdes eligen el mapa.entren Construa_sua_casa XTN V2.3 Editado
A lot of these information in the servername/map name/map edition can be added in the server info. It would be a lot more USERFRIENDLY! Edit: And the serverlist would look clearer and more attractive.
I know the idea about the server (selection) is tricky, but it is unbelievable how the number of servers raised in the past years while the number of players did not change that much.
Finally, a knife kill with the right mouse button should not produce any sound or blood.
edited 2×, last 16.05.15 01:20:51 pm
Force all on port 36963
It would be easier to protect servers from attackers.
iptables for cs2d server would be:
iptables -F iptables -P INPUT DROP iptables -P FORWARD DROP iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT --source YOUR_IP -j ACCEPT iptables -A INPUT -p udp --sport 36963 -j ACCEPT
edited 2×, last 21.05.15 03:50:37 pm
Before you guys shit on me, I know there's a controversy about it, and a definite 'no' from DC, I just can't find where it says why we wont have voice chat.
Also, I know a DC's response about it in this link
You can "ignore" players in seittings or mute whole voice chat or admin have to give permissions to players to do that. What do yoi think?