Off Topic Bands/musicians you must listen to before you die@Everyone What's wrong with you? SEVEN artists, not one or four!
Fuck you. This is spam.
@ Aura: I am sure you have an 8th artist how can take Skrillex's place, OP said dubstep and others aren't welcome.
palomino has written
@Everyone What's wrong with you? SEVEN artists, not one or four!
What if I'd like to listen only one?
Now Stop fighting
@ Sparty: Fuck you!
You must have a reason to say "Fuck You"
or your just a noob. who has big words
Sparty has written
You must have a reason to say "Fuck You"
Is it really hard to read the first post which is only a paragraph long?
I know most of you have low attention spans but if you seriously can't read a single paragraph then I truly worry about you.
Sparty has written
or your just a noob. who has big words
Yep, the OP is a total retard for telling users to do something basic. Come on guys, are you really going to call out on shit like this because you couldn't do the simplest task?
Sparty has written
The reason is: Read the first fucking post. I asked everyone to post seven artists that in their opinion are to be listened before death (except shitty hardstyle/club/dance/dubstep "music", unless those are exceptions like Crystal Method etc.). Not fucking one band, no, One song. You posted a motherfucking song. Just like most of the immature illiterate cunts who posted just one band with their retarded fuckhead emotes. So fuck you for not reading the first post. Come back when you learn to read English.
@ Doberman: Thanks.
EDIT: Rage Against The Machine is a pretty nice band too. Really talented musicians there.
edited 1×, last 13.08.12 02:33:57 pm
No particular order. I love you sunny.
edited 1×, last 13.08.12 03:25:50 pm
Tobey has written
Snoop Dogg & Kid Cudi - That Tree
Just. Just. Fuck you. Seriously.
I love you too
edited 1×, last 13.08.12 03:26:14 pm