also another big thing is sound, true, previous hints said "Use sound to your advantage, Hear the enemy before you see him", but you guys forgot "You can hear them, they can hear you", those random bullets can end up having the enemy know where you are and ambush your ass where you least expect it

also another big thing is sound, true, previous hints said "Use sound to your advantage, Hear the enemy before you see him", but you guys forgot "You can hear them, they can hear you", those random bullets can end up having the enemy know where you are and ambush your ass where you least expect it

NO, Don't listen to anyone that say "Do random shots", While you can do that on servers with not many good players, on the servers with more than 12 Good to Professional Players are going to use the shots against you : a Random shot may be able to harm somebody, but remember : Shot don't arc, they don't change directions or swerve from where the player aimed, which means that one random shot in the wrong direction can end up with large amount of ammunition being returned at you(After all, they know you're where you are since they saw your shot)
also another big thing is sound, true, previous hints said "Use sound to your advantage, Hear the enemy before you see him", but you guys forgot "You can hear them, they can hear you", those random bullets can end up having the enemy know where you are and ambush your ass where you least expect it
also another big thing is sound, true, previous hints said "Use sound to your advantage, Hear the enemy before you see him", but you guys forgot "You can hear them, they can hear you", those random bullets can end up having the enemy know where you are and ambush your ass where you least expect it
Oh really?..
Obviously you need use your mind, if you shoot randomly, move to a place, where the enemy don't think you are!...
About the sound I SAID:"or if you know the enemy use the sound, You can do a step fake (Walk in a same place)"
The professional players use the sound...
but there different ways to use the sound at your convenience, all depends from your mind
BTW I'm in that clan Mindcore <----

BTW I'm in that clan Mindcore <---- 

Clans are gay.
I'm sure you say the same about pretty much everything else that's out of your reach, being ignorant from such an early age is truly sad~

I can almost hear you say that with your 10 y/o voice
I'm sure you say the same about pretty much everything else that's out of your reach, being ignorant from such an early age is truly sad~
I'm sure you say the same about pretty much everything else that's out of your reach, being ignorant from such an early age is truly sad~
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