Hello guys,
I working on my own tibia edit project. It have too many features.
Also this project got own map and sprites specially made for me by Alistaire
Here is the feature list:
1 - Crafting
2 - Special crafting (near ovens, sawmills, ETC)
3 - Firemaking
4 - Woodcutting
5 - Farming
6 - Fishing
7 - Mining
8 - Horse rotating (If you will walk left, it will turn to left if right then to right.. ETC)
9 - Horse HP
10 - Cooking near campfires
11 - Automatic woodcutting/fishing/mining
12 - Classes
13 - New skills
14 - Minigames
15 - Summoning (Not sure)
There is much more features that I forgot.
But if you want to see video of the first preview, it is here:
Turn on annotations!
--Part 2 of the video is now here!--
Ok guys! I remade almost everything! Woodcutting, fishing, and stuff! Later will be video!
I will make server with this tibia when it will be done.
So you can make suggestions! edited 3×, last 20.02.12 05:00:51 pm
Admin/mod comment
This is a mod, therefore it has to be in the Mods section. sCy User
Why not Enchant/Upgrade system to items...
Also, item fade system. I know its good idea, I've made tibia edit earlier, and the item sprites lag the server like hell.
Just saying, the video was nice, and gl with project. Wow thanks, anyway the armor upgrading is great idea! Very Good
make dragons
Already did, you're too late. Current mobs are: Slimes, Scarabs, Dragons.
Need suggestions for two more areas. flying mount , you can't be hit unless by ranged attack or another flying player or monster EP User
like the game Lineage II, i recommend you to make "gatekeepers":they are people who teleport you to a zone and you have to pay them ( they must be located in the city )**FK system, if you are innocent you will not drop something, if you are FK a limitation of some minutes will come to you, it makes you drop items when you die.
There will be PVP Minigame
Also smth like GWD from runescape
I would love to play on the server it looks so cool.. nais ideah! i will waiting for the release! Awesome! Just awesome! I love the crafting and the campfire effects. I will wait for the release.
A Facility with robots that can give you mechanic pieces that can be used to craft robot armors.
Just an idea.
EDIT:I just saw the 2nd video and you should make the fishing attempts slower. good script
Oh oh, what to say. Factis' mods are really awesome :3 Cooperate with
4Vendetta and finally make a good Tibia edit. That would be cool. Idk because He use a lot of images that making script leggy as heaven (there's no wifi)
Infinite Rain has written
I will make server with this tibia when it will be done.
So you can make suggestions!
Your server will have uber lags , look you cant even run cs2d smoothly, lol . Haha vetle you are idiot or something?
Ofcourse I will not host it on my comp.