Suggested command to create new weapons
Suggested command to create new weapons
1 reply
My suggestion is to create a command to add weapons to the game (with an order to be placed according to which weapon is put before the other).
The command would be: addweapon (weapon class) (class of fire) (damage on impact) (folder name)
Example: addweapon 1 2 22 M4A1
Location of the weapon and errors:
The weapon will have the name of the folder where you are.
The weapons will be found at: gfx/weapons/addweapons
The weapon sounds are housed at:: sfx/weapons/addweapons
The id of the initial weapon will be 200, the other weapons created will have the id 201 and up.
If the weapon you are trying to create is an invalid location. The program will advise that you must insert a valid location.
If the weapon has no sound it will put a sound standard created by DC.
Weapon class and class of fire:
Class 1: Primary Weapon
1: Weapon common with a type of shot
2: Weapon common with silencer included. (Example: if on sfx/weapons/addweapons/MP9 is not placed MP9_silenced be assigned a default sound)
3: Weapon common trigger that can happen to burst mode.
4: Machine gun, this weapon will always come with a weight that will prevent much movement.
5: Rifle small with an increase (similar to Aug)
6: Rifle with increased. High damage, slow walking.
7: Rifle with two increased. High damage, slow walking.
8: Rocket Launcher which you can build your own rocket.
9: RPG Launcher that is placed on the shoulder (this does not come with the rocket launcher for the difference in weight)
10: shotgun (not to say about this)
11: Sub machine gun. This weapon will have stable and comfortable weight.
12: Sub Machine Gun two arms (hurts a little but spends twice as bullets). This weapon has the function of switching to an arm to spend less bullets (other weapon is kept in the back)
Class 2: Secondary Weapon
1: Weapon with a single kind of shot.
2: Weapon including muffler.
3: Arms that includes burst mode.
4: two arms. saved by right clicking one of the weapons, weighs the same as a sub machine gun and bullets spends double.
Class 3: contact Weapons:
1: an arm like a knife and machete.
2: two-armed claw Like
3: chainsaw (this weapon will have a standard smoke)
Class 4: Explosives
1: Explosives like grenades.
2: Explosives containing deadly gas.
3: explosives that create a warm environment such as Molotov Cocktail
4: Explosives that reduce vision (given temporary blindness). When checked, the option to stay at 0 damage.
5: Smoke Grenade (no more details than that)
6: Air Strike (made by red smoke)
7: Air Strike (GPS emanating a red light)
Maps can have guns, just select the option AddWeapon that was in Evn_item:
Selecting this option will have to find the location of the folder.
Must choose the kind of weapon damage and the type of shot.
Since we are in edit you must choose a ID 200 and up (this time you generate it)
I hope you will support my suggestion
It's been denied many times before and it will be denied still. To quote the words of DC, "CS2D isn't going to be any game making tool," rephrased a little. So sorry, but nope.