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English Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Apache uwu
User Off Offline

A way to check the version with a backend server.

It's possible already with this, but it's very dangerous.

It would be nice to have something like

And it returns like "".

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Obviously Exactly Myself
User Off Offline

Text wrap.

To avoid this >

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

A report button near every user's posts. If a user clicks this, it will be submitted to staff to check whether the user has violated the rules or not. It is optional for this feature to be also available to private messages.



A block button on each user. This can either be used as a button to block people with a confirmation, or a sign of that user being blocked.


old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Idiot Off Offline

user TheHamzan6 has written
A report button near every user's posts. If a user clicks this, it will be submitted to staff to check whether the user has violated the rules or not. It is optional for this feature to be also available to private messages.



A block button on each user. This can either be used as a button to block people with a confirmation, or a sign of that user being blocked.


I think it already has been suggested a bunch of times.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Reviewer Off Offline

user KimKart has written
user TheHamzan6 has written
A report button near every user's posts. If a user clicks this, it will be submitted to staff to check whether the user has violated the rules or not. It is optional for this feature to be also available to private messages.



A block button on each user. This can either be used as a button to block people with a confirmation, or a sign of that user being blocked.


I think it already has been suggested a bunch of times.

hmm..Lets See if user DC likes it or not.
but it seems good

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

user A Mad Bro has written
a report button is useless because most of the threads are checked by admin/mods anyways.

Actually, not. It is useful, as sometimes the admin/mods do not notice some threads/files that have rule violators in them.
edited 1×, last 18.08.12 08:27:06 pm

old Remove from quick tags.

Obviously Exactly Myself
User Off Offline



Possibility of jerks showing off.

Possibility of retards spamming this.

Possibility of pathetic retards showing their misery of having a stupid reason to say that they're miserable.

Useless, just useless.

"The zombies ate your brain!" spam crap.

Annoying retards failing to insult people with the smiley.

One of the greatest annoyance on Unreal Software.

Plain stupid retards will continuously use this.

"*cough* *cry* *sneeze* *cry*" Retards.

"usnreal Software" crappy attempts.

Cookie spamming, indeed.

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

user TheHamzan6 has written
A report button near every user's posts. If a user clicks this, it will be submitted to staff to check whether the user has violated the rules or not. It is optional for this feature to be also available to private messages.



A block button on each user. This can either be used as a button to block people with a confirmation, or a sign of that user being blocked.


I love The hamzan idea's

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

User Off Offline

A favourites section on our profile page and a "favourite/star" icon option somewhere in each file submission (perhaps before the comments section, beneath the description/picture area of the file) so that we can favourite files that we really like so that we may show to the rest of what we like a lot? (Perhaps locate it under the files that are visible on our profile pages).

old Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Reviewer Off Offline

user Majatek has written
A favourites section on our profile page and a "favourite/star" icon option somewhere in each file submission (perhaps before the comments section, beneath the description/picture area of the file) so that we can favourite files that we really like so that we may show to the rest of what we like a lot? (Perhaps locate it under the files that are visible on our profile pages).

Awesome just like it user DC what do you think?
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