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Englisch Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

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user Yates hat geschrieben
That's a stupid idea. I assume you are not blind, so a bar at the top saying you have a new message is fine.

People should give reason if they dont like it i hated when they say "but not good* (that PERSON ^doesnt like still )
Come on people Give a fucking reason why you dont like

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Apache uwu
User Off Offline

It isn't a very good idea, since I always play my music through the browser there is no way I can't mute other sounds coming from the browser without muting my music.

Usually when a website has unwanted sound I block it with addons.

My idea: Show the sum of the number of downloads all your files on your profile page.

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Reviewer Off Offline

uploading it other sites and Adding a Link Section so if your Thing (whatever it is) is 5 or more.
When the user press it then it will come on the site you put up to download :]

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Admin Off Offline

@user VAU: why? I think that this is a really bad idea which would make things more complicated and... shitty!

√ creators might earn something for their downloads with rewards programs offered by some 1 click hosters
( √ bigger file size limits (which is not really a pro in my opinion because people simply tend to put a huge load of copyright protected music into their files [cs2d maps] if there is no limit. which is pure crap. those idiots.) )
( √ less traffic at (not really a pro because I have sufficient free traffic included to cover all downloads + a huge buffer for even more dls))

× files could get deleted from the external hosting service > dead links (worst thing in a file archive!)
× 1 click hosters often have limited download speeds
× 1 click hosters often have waiting times before download
× it would be harder to properly track the download numbers
× less money for me to pay the Unreal Software server since people don't hit the download page anymore which is the only place with ads at

so just 1 real pro (which is only a pro for file creators) against 5 cons - and dead links are just totally unacceptable. no way.

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Admin Off Offline

well, hosting a website and providing the USGN service costs money. fact.

even without that point there is no good reason to "outsource" the file hosting. it's simply not necessary and there are too many downsides.

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Reviewer Off Offline

user DC hat geschrieben
well, hosting a website and providing the USGN service costs money. fact.

even without that point there is no good reason to "outsource" the file hosting. it's simply not necessary and there are too many downsides.

then why did you put it upto 5 mb not 10 or something?

alt Re: Ideas For UnrealSoftware Site

Reviewer Off Offline

user DC hat geschrieben
well, hosting a website and providing the USGN service costs money. fact.

even without that point there is no good reason to "outsource" the file hosting. it's simply not necessary and there are too many downsides.

If someone donate 10,000 what will you do?
But user DC how can we know what server is our sexy mates are??..
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