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English How i started cs2d?

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old Re: How i started cs2d?

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heheh, made my first map about 5 years ago(?) I think, I was obsessed with the idea of teleporting bots into death-runs - I found CS2D when a mate told me about Condition zero CS, searched for 'free CSCZ' and this came up. I downloaded it, thinking that's what he meant - found out the next week it wasn't, but I never got CSCZ :).

old Re: How i started cs2d?

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Long Story:
Was looking for free steam keys to play with my cousin in CS:CZ like the foolish kid I was and ended up downloading cs2d. I got addicted and started meeting many players who lived in Cailfornia by hosting my home server at the time. I think it was November/December 06~ because a little bit later 0103/0104 came out. I joined [TGV] and met many guys.I always loved |jUSTiN|'s maps and I started making my own [bad] maps. Ended up with a "cs2d" map pack... god that old editor was horrendous to use and making tiles were like a fucking mystery to a 10 year-old me. Came back and started doing it all again because I regret it after I was forced to quit.

old Re: How i started cs2d?

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a long story!
i search for CS, but i found CS2D only, so i download it. ya, it still the alpha version(maybe and i want to download some map, but it only supports at new cs2d(i search on gamebanana). and my PC need to re-installed and i lost it. so i search for CS2D again and i found B0.1.1.4. i use it, yea in my mind the alpha version is better, but i lost it again. so i search again for CS2D and i found yea i download B0.1.1.8 and i save the setup in archive, so i will never lost it. and i found UnrealSoftware!. so, i just use some luas, and i don't know what is a lua! then i was be a little scripter, and teaching from another people script and download again CS2D B0.1.1.9! then i was be a little scripter and release Point System 0.1! i be a good scripter and release another Point System 0.2 and 0.3.
that's my story

old Re: How i started cs2d?

Apache uwu
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looking for 2d games, halo 0, etc

this was before I knew understood lua, you could say I learned it just for this game √

old i love cs2d THANKS DC :D

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i was bored so... i looked up "Halo 2d" no luck then i looked up "cs" i could't download it/find it and it would be lagy. THEN "cs 2d" and i went to the site and dowloaded it AND here i am and i looked at the map editor and made city lifes and i loved it but now i make de_ maps and im training to be a pro

old Re: How i started cs2d?

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well how i starded was i buyed a cd awhere are like 5 or more games on it and i was searching and then there was counter strike 2d so i was like wtf??? and i download it and im playing it

old Re: How i started cs2d?

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Someone stole my sprites off of another site I had my work on. I came here, registered an account and filed a copyright complaint to DC.

I then stayed for the ride, agreed with the artist who initially stole my work that he/she could use my art with credit, and I continued submitting work here ever since.

old Re: How i started cs2d?

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user deletemepl0x has written
I tuped random bullshit into google and it showed me this epic site.

Nah, Im just kidding. I was searching for cs:s mods in gamebanana and randomly found it.
First i was like: LOL WTF IZ DIS?
Started plaing. It was epic.
Started creating maps.
Registred at us
Became happy.

old Re: How i started cs2d?

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1. I was Bord playing 3d games.
2. I love cs 1.6 so i type in google ''cs2d''
3. I realy get in love in cs2d
My story... about how i find cs2d.

old Re: How i started cs2d?

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user Seekay has written
First I was like:

(Lol CS2D, are you kidding me?)

But then:

(That's kinda fun!)

And now:


Same here, I'm getting bored of playing CS2D now so I play other games.


user Seekay has written
(Someone said I use too much smileys. He died.)

Fuck that guy!

old Re: How i started cs2d?

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Prior to CS2D, I never really had any experience with FPS games (or shooters in general). Since my computer was unable to run any graphic intensive games at the time, I never thought about Counter-Strike. However, I stumbled upon CS2D one day when searching for online multiplayer games and thought I'd give it a try. I figured that it should be able to work on my PC, and that it did ... which pretty much summed up my grade school years.

old Re: How i started cs2d?

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user DevGru has written
user Seekay has written
No, I'm not a necrophile.

No, I'm not talking to you even there's a quote.

You did talk to me. Anything else wouldn't make sense and you would fail.

old Re: How i started cs2d?

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I played it because one of my friends sayed that I must test it and then I was thinking

cs2d? can't be funny


nice game


boring we see us in version

old Re: How i started cs2d?

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user CoolRun has written
Prior to CS2D, I never really had any experience with FPS games (or shooters in general). Since my computer was unable to run any graphic intensive games at the time, I never thought about Counter-Strike. However, I stumbled upon CS2D one day when searching for online multiplayer games and thought I'd give it a try. I figured that it should be able to work on my PC, and that it did ... which pretty much summed up my grade school years.

100% my story. Plagiary.

old Re: How i started cs2d?

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Found it on a freeware site back in 2007.

Just feels unusual knowing that I've been using this game since I was 14 and now I'm 18 this year.
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