CS2D General How i started cs2d?Was looking for free steam keys to play with my cousin in CS:CZ like the foolish kid I was and ended up downloading cs2d. I got addicted and started meeting many players who lived in Cailfornia by hosting my home server at the time. I think it was November/December 06~ because a little bit later 0103/0104 came out. I joined [TGV] and met many guys.I always loved |jUSTiN|'s maps and I started making my own [bad] maps. Ended up with a "cs2d" map pack... god that old editor was horrendous to use and making tiles were like a fucking mystery to a 10 year-old me. Came back and started doing it all again because I regret it after I was forced to quit.
i search for CS, but i found CS2D only, so i download it. ya, it still the alpha version(maybe and i want to download some map, but it only supports at new cs2d(i search on gamebanana). and my PC need to re-installed and i lost it. so i search for CS2D again and i found B0.1.1.4. i use it, yea in my mind the alpha version is better, but i lost it again. so i search again for CS2D and i found yea i download B0.1.1.8 and i save the setup in archive, so i will never lost it. and i found UnrealSoftware!. so, i just use some luas, and i don't know what is a lua! then i was be a little scripter, and teaching from another people script and download again CS2D B0.1.1.9! then i was be a little scripter and release Point System 0.1! i be a good scripter and release another Point System 0.2 and 0.3.
that's my story
this was before I knew understood lua, you could say I learned it just for this game
I then stayed for the ride, agreed with the artist who initially stole my work that he/she could use my art with credit, and I continued submitting work here ever since.
deletemepl0x has written
I tuped random bullshit into google and it showed me this epic site.
Nah, Im just kidding. I was searching for cs:s mods in gamebanana and randomly found it.
First i was like: LOL WTF IZ DIS?
Started plaing. It was epic.
Started creating maps.
Registred at
Became happy.
2. I love cs 1.6 so i type in google ''cs2d''
3. I realy get in love in cs2d
My story... about how i find cs2d.
Seekay has written
First I was like:
(Lol CS2D, are you kidding me?)
But then:
(That's kinda fun!)
And now:
(Lol CS2D, are you kidding me?)
But then:
(That's kinda fun!)
And now:
Same here, I'm getting bored of playing CS2D now so I play other games.
Seekay has written
(Someone said I use too much smileys. He died.)
Fuck that guy!
Seekay has written
No, I'm not a necrophile.
No, I'm not talking to you even there's a quote.
DevGru has written
You did talk to me. Anything else wouldn't make sense and you would fail.
cs2d? can't be funny
nice game
boring we see us in version
CoolRun has written
Prior to CS2D, I never really had any experience with FPS games (or shooters in general). Since my computer was unable to run any graphic intensive games at the time, I never thought about Counter-Strike. However, I stumbled upon CS2D one day when searching for online multiplayer games and thought I'd give it a try. I figured that it should be able to work on my PC, and that it did ... which pretty much summed up my grade school years.
100% my story. Plagiary.
Just feels unusual knowing that I've been using this game since I was 14 and now I'm 18 this year.