Off Topic Userbars update every weekPoll
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1/5 | 20.93% (9) | |
2/5 | 0.00% (0) | |
3/5 | 4.65% (2) | |
4/5 | 4.65% (2) | |
5/5 | 69.77% (30) |
43 votes cast
dENd has written
[-----------STOLEN-] -Any picture you want just put stolen
Zyga has written
@yates, i went to that website and it said it was a 404
It was sarcasm.
maybe it following megaupload
kkkkkkk has written
maybe it following megaupload
I'm hoping this is sarcasm. Otherwise this is the most retarded comment of the day.
I want to request an userbar
Background :
Make so only title "counter strike" was seen. Leave some space on the left for Blazer_Stan
On the left : Blazer_Stan (Red letters with black aura (like on your FEAR 3 userbar))
On the right : Player (again,red letters with black aura)
So,it must look something like this :
Blazer_Stan "Counter-Strike" Player
If it is very hard to place all together,don't place Player
I mean,he makes userbars and gets score.
This like "we help him,and he helps us."
BTW,lol,awesome userbar Thanks
Yates has written
Right. All you people wanting a userbar, download this: - And do it yourself.
damn i dont meet the sys req.
dENd has written
damn i dont meet the sys req.
Yates has written
Right. All you people wanting a userbar, download this: - And do it yourself.
damn i dont meet the sys req.
You lack about a 233MHz Processor, a 64MB RAM or 2mb Hard Disk?
Or was it sarcasm?
Mechanolith has written
Wait, what?
You lack about a 233MHz Processor, a 64MB RAM or 2mb Hard Disk?
Or was it sarcasm?
You lack about a 233MHz Processor, a 64MB RAM or 2mb Hard Disk?
Or was it sarcasm?
Of course it was ...
User bar_
With my name!
With gear sprite :D!
Yates has written
Right. All you people wanting a userbar, download this: - And do it yourself.
Or this
I use photoshop i can upload a tutorial
Btw. I`d like you to show us how to animate them. I saw a tut but that was L.A.M.E