and heres my problem...ok so this is scanning over all the npcs generated randomly in a map i says...if its type is 30 which is zombie right? or wrong? then its going to repos. the image i have for the id to its x and y and rotation...but im getting a error and its not repositioning all the images..error is number expected, got nil...where its reposing the image...i know that nil is...nothing...and i just seen that its saying NPC[npc] is nil...can anyone tell me why its doing this? i have it so when it spawns a sets a image at the x and y and r of the npc and NPC[npc (which the generator sets as it goes too using for 1,100 or something..)] am i doing a noob mistake again? haha would love some help shared

EDIT: i see my mistake...but i cant find any work around at all