And i planned to release my two cooperative mappack with storyline (Like Half-Life).

this is my first map, I know it's not great, but with practice, maybe someday I can make good maps


Dude, There is a file archive already.
Youtube Link -
*~Yes I know this thread is old, but its a sticky thread and if DC didn't want it he would have deleted the thread by now~*

Just posting up some old videos of the levels that I was building way back when... If anyone sees a level that they want me to finish, let me know. I'll see what I can do.
Youtube Link -
*~Yes I know this thread is old, but its a sticky thread and if DC didn't want it he would have deleted the thread by now~*
Youtube Link -
*~Yes I know this thread is old, but its a sticky thread and if DC didn't want it he would have deleted the thread by now~*
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After just one day? wow

(huge map,deathmatch,hidden weapons and stuff,you know what i mean :))
i would do it my self but there are people beter in the editor than me i suck

sry for my bad english
so please make a hunger games map someone !!!

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Die angeforderte Webseite oder Datei existiert nicht!
(The entered Website or Data does not exist!)
After just one day? wow
(Error 404 - Page or Data not found)
Die angeforderte Webseite oder Datei existiert nicht!
(The entered Website or Data does not exist!)
After just one day? wow

Note: This is a SP map (SinglePlayer, but Multiplayer works too)
Download (Link) :
Hope you Like it!

To be more specific, this type of map is very symmetrical, and it usually has 3 lanes, one cutting the map in half, and two on the sides.
I need it to at least 10 players, i think 100x100 should do the trick.
I already have searched for this type of map here, but I didn't find any conclusive/suitable findings.
Thanks in advance

You can download and test it.
"sp_train" to maps
"hal train.bmp" to gfx/tiles
"train roof.png" to gfx/sprites
"trainbeep.wav" to sfx
"trainsfx.wav" to sfx
map to maps
sounds to sfx
sprites to gfx (may be gfx/sprites)
Good Luck

edited 1×, last 14.06.18 11:55:03 am
Anymay, here's my map,with the gfx & backgrounds. I hope you guys can check my file smoothly...yeah the net disk is from china too XD.
Call me when any problem happen.
unrealsoftware.d【DELETE THIS】e/files_show.p【AND THIS】hp?file=18096
edited 2×, last 07.12.21 04:39:57 pm

Description included.
Its my very first map i uploaded, please dont insult if its bad
I'm not allowed to post links so just search my map on unreal software de, type Company not de_company
an update coming soon