Joaopcvcastro - Thats the most easy way to hack the map...people can just activate the minimap icons...find the env_snow entity and remove it... some use HEX editor so they dont have to even go to cs2d to hack a map...
1ST Suggestion
DC, You should put a lua command to changing skins of the players, and transfer the skin file by using the server transfer file. (it can be done already with lua but there are few problems i found while trying).
something like:
SetSkin(player id,"file path")
Why i'm asking this?.
1.- Because when i try to change the player skin using Lua the borders looks different. (If done by lua method)
2.- The people would need all the weapons sprites edited to watch it normally (If done by lua method)
3.- I'm not the first who need this. (NTD for his HL2D Mod)
4.- It would be awesome (If done by BlitzMax method)
2ND Suggestion
Put a transfer file Lua Command example:
-- Only for sounds / sprites
i would be happy if DC enchanced the graphics of the game
my suggestion
1.) alies npc or axis npc
2.) advance flashlight
3.) dynamic wall that can move like in cs1.6
4.) bots that can be genius :DDD like flanking you if they see you or PODBOT 3.0
5.) advance lua maker
6.) changing weapon skin in server but never ovewrite the original weapon
7.) you can do once on use button
8.) ability to run faster when shift clicking
9.) show friends going online in game like steam of xbox360
10.) ability to change hud
11.) ability to fire semi automatic guns for sg550 and gsg1 sniper
DC, I found one glitch, when I copy from notepad russian word to cs2d chat, russian language is works, but when I write in cs2d chat, it`s not working. There is screenshot. Fix that problem please!
1. Functional Range ban function (last time i tried and it banned random guys)
2. Team Npc´s
3. moving Npc´s or Npcnote (npcnote = botnote but for the NPC´s)
4. Entities where u can enter 2 names
5. the moving a bit slowler (or however its written) but a button like CRTLto run fast for a short time (not very needed it would just be nice)