CS2D General Beta Suggestions & IdeasBecouse I can do a nice project with it
when a player has low hp he looses blood
«hp» parameter to spawnnpc
spawnnpc type x y hp rot spawnnpc 1 32 32 250 180
Okay, voice chat in CS2D:
Better level of communication between players
That's really the biggest thing about it
Solution: mute function
Kids blabbering into the mic annoying the crap out
Solution: mute function
What else did I miss out?
EngiN33R has written
Solution: mute function
Who will mute? - Server admin? Would be annoying if that person is not on.
Solution: able to turn mic on and off for all players.
edited 1×, last 15.10.11 06:16:40 pm
Kel9290 has written
That's not really client-sided...
Though a setobjecthp would be nice...
For buildings, npcs, etc.
Yates has written
Who will mute? - Server admin? Would be annoying if that person is not on.
Solution: able to turn mic on and off for all players.
EngiN33R has written
Solution: mute function
Who will mute? - Server admin? Would be annoying if that person is not on.
Solution: able to turn mic on and off for all players.
hmm a ignore id function would make it not only for voice chat but a ignore id function would be good with text chat too
Yates has written
Solution: able to turn mic on and off for all players.
Client-side muting like in TF2. :3
The con about it is that all ignorants will be asking "how can i mute him blah blah blah"
Take an existing image and change the image's image location.
myimage=image("gfx/lol.gfx",0,0,0,0) --wait a few moments imageset(myimage,"gfx/lol.gfx")
Purple Crocodile has written
gravity gun i thing will be awesome or laggy
Why need gravity gun without objects that could move?
Yates has written
Who will mute? - Server admin? Would be annoying if that person is not on.
Solution: able to turn mic on and off for all players.
EngiN33R has written
Solution: mute function
Who will mute? - Server admin? Would be annoying if that person is not on.
Solution: able to turn mic on and off for all players.
There are two solutions to the problem you've provided, one of which has already been mentioned by PartyPooPer.
1. Global muting via console/rcon
2. Client-side muting via Esc menu
Surplus has written
The con about it is that all ignorants will be asking "how can i mute him blah blah blah"
That's not really a con, for if it is then all the people asking 'give lazor plox' is a con of the Laser weapon. So no.
Kel9290 has written
client-side lua?
I do believe that has been explicitly mentioned numerous times before, and I do believe that the answer remains unchanged: no.
Add freaking hot keys to the editor
Z - Sprites
X - Tiles
C - Transparency
V - Shading
Macro keys settings (For these each entity or tile added to the macro menu will be highlighted on the normal editor menu)
F1 - Tile 1337
F2 - Dynamic Wall
F3 - Sound
Makes map making so much easier..
So you can make every entitie what you want.
Bowlinghead has written
You can use [CTRL]+[C] to copy something (Like a macro) and [CTRL]+[V] to past.
So you can make every entitie what you want.
So you can make every entitie what you want.
I don't even think cs2d supports that..but anyways what I mean is a button where we can assign on different macro entities speeding up map making.My average map (includes over 50 entities) making schedule is 2 days (pausing not included/planning included)
Add a macro key and you will get results in a nutshell.
Its the same like right-click and copy only faster!
But more copy& paste buttons would be awesome
So when alpha is 0, the player is completely hidden.