I hope all these people screaming "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE! OMGZ0rz! The prophesy was right!" on here get a free ticket to the Mariana Trench, minus the sub.

I hope all these people screaming "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE! OMGZ0rz! The prophesy was right!" on here get a free ticket to the Mariana Trench, minus the sub.
Night Till Death has written
lol i would not pray to japan even if it was the last place on earth... i mean face it they live on a freaking small island... they build houses on houses... the make awesome technology and they cant even make some more land for their islands?
They do.
They carry the earth/stone off the mountains and into the sea to get more land.
hador has written
They do.
They carry the earth/stone off the mountains and into the sea to get more land.
They carry the earth/stone off the mountains and into the sea to get more land.
Is it me or is some bullshit coming out of your mouth right now?

well deserved

SANTER has written
I somehow agree with you, in a narrow minded perspective I guess, although there was still a whole lot of innocent people that fell victim to this Tsunami wave and earthquake, so I therefor can't really blame all groups of people for what one group of people did. Nuclear? I don't really know what causes these earthquakes to happen... perhaps it's just naturally caused, afterall why is it called "natural disasters" so thereby I'd proclaim that this was all a big accident and no human could ever have caused it. Horrible accidents happen from time to time, I hope they'll recover after this accident. It's horrible stuff to go through. That happened because they proved nuclear bombs in the ocean
well deserved

well deserved

Yates has written
Is it me or is some bullshit coming out of your mouth right now?
hador has written
They do.
They carry the earth/stone off the mountains and into the sea to get more land.
They carry the earth/stone off the mountains and into the sea to get more land.
Is it me or is some bullshit coming out of your mouth right now?
Actually... he's not lying. Japan, for years have been slowly extending the mainland, bit at a time by taking tonnes of sediment from mountainous and highland areas and distributing it on the coastline to extend it further.
I think it was last year that they revealed 40+ acres of new farming land constructed this way.
What confuses me is, if it's logical enough to end up in a game, what makes you people doubt the real world use? Hell, Dubai's palm island was completely raised out of the sea by dumping loads of land there just for the audacity of building a hotel complex off-shore...
Night Till Death has written
I just love the 10 feet tall tsunami... (i dont want to sound rasistic or anything) but who cares? Where are still living arent we? so what a couple of people die and the some people make such a big deal out of it...
*soon their is gonna be Chernobyl #2* (lets hope not) although japan did once survive a nuke from america... so whats keeping them from surviving a typical situation like in Chernobyl
In russia 2 suicide bombers bombed a subway where many people died... they talked about that for 2 days then they forgot about it
sometime later another suicide attack was made in an airport... no one died but they talked about it for weeks...
*soon their is gonna be Chernobyl #2* (lets hope not) although japan did once survive a nuke from america... so whats keeping them from surviving a typical situation like in Chernobyl
In russia 2 suicide bombers bombed a subway where many people died... they talked about that for 2 days then they forgot about it
sometime later another suicide attack was made in an airport... no one died but they talked about it for weeks...
I can see that the directed media is not washing your mind like so many others, but you're at a turning point here. I can see the anger clearly in the words you use but don't make this blind, know what you're actually angry at instead of just letting off steam.
I'm sure you do feel something about millions of your people dying needlessly, regardless of their nationality, race or religion, over something as pathetic as an unmanaged tectonic movement. We could manage these, but because it's not profitable and destruction is more profitable, no one does it. And I imagine the carefree attitude is borne from a feeling of dispair, brought about by your own inability to change this. And more so, I see how you get angry that the media pick and choose which disasters to show you to tailor your emotional state of fear to their needs, which in fact, are the needs of the investing companies of the media corporations.
You're absolutely correct in pointing out that disasters are happening everyday and people are getting so overwhelmed by the media influx, they can only take in so much. However, to find the important, unbiased, educational stuff in media, unlike many other things in life, you have to go to the least abundant source.
Do get mad, but get mad at the right people.
I realise I've made a lot of assumptions about your character here, but I've made them with hope in my heart, for if this is wrong, the alternative is that you have been twisted into a bitter cynic against your fellow man by the media that has sought to segregate you and succeeded.
Whatever the answer, good luck for the future.
edited 1×, last 14.03.11 08:27:26 am
Im not a kind of person who goes *Holy moley tokey god whiped by a big wave lets all cry untill we die*...
At some point i even laughed at what happend to them... its just funny to see how those people that accualy hate other nations like america and russia getting their a*ses wet... Those people belive that their race is better than any other...although they clearly know that their not they still act that way... What i belive is This is a way of mother nature saying NO to all the constant b*ll sh*t that happen...
Currently all those japanese are running to Russia/China to be safe...

Lets all face it : Earth is going to hell
Rare animals dieying
Earthquakes around the globe
Ice melting
Water rising
Oxygen is getting polluted
Industries burning
Tree's dieying
People killing each other each day
Guns Guns & Guns
A typical day for earth...
I just love to laugh when america says soon we can move out of earth and live on another *Earth type planet* when they cant even make a decent shuttel that can accualy blast of before blasting off into pieces

edited 1×, last 14.03.11 09:45:15 am
QuirZ has written
Tsunami [ HAxor] owned all person in japan [Player in server]
Fuck off man, this is not funny at all.
I really hope something bad happens to you right now. Then you would know how it feels.
DannyDeth has written
It's not funny QuirZ. Thousands of people are dead, how would you feel if the few ( if any ) friends you had were dismembered and mutilated by a giant wave?
With that attitude he has no friends.

So it isnt a FUCKING joke!
You know, no news is good news.

Danikah has written
Or, if you're smart, just fucking pray that he's alive and well.
I also heard that many roads has been blocked in japan, so this is really a crisis for them when it comes to transporting injured people or similar activities. I also heard the damage caused in this big disaster is approximately ~200 billion if I didn't hear it all wrong. The stock market had been receiving aid in order to keep in balance. This one hell day for the japanease people. Hopefully they will manage it soon or later and hopefully no more disasters will occur.
edited 1×, last 14.03.11 04:32:01 pm
KimKat7 has written
I just wish natural disasters could be paused in whatever way, drowning in a big tsunami wave is not really worth it. You never know when a natural disaster strikes and where it may strike. Sad things happen from time to time yes, but still you have to go through them the best way possible, as always. I also heard that many roads has been blocked in japan, so this is really a crisis for them when it comes to transporting injured people or similar activities. I also heard the damage caused in this big disaster is approximately ~200 billion if I didn't hear it all wrong. The stock market had been receiving aid in order to keep in balance. This one hell day for the japanease people. Hopefully they will manage it soon or later and hopefully no more disasters will occur.
The prime-minister or whatever of Japan said it was the worst thing that happened since to WW2..