
It damages it, but also cools it down.
Psytechnic has written
Not sure what you guys are being told in your country, but we're being told (by the BBC) that the plant has only 4 reactors...
Fukushima Daiichi AE has 6 reactors and 3 of them were stopped/shut down (for repair) before accident.
Though, not reactors core itself has exploded, only concentrated hydrogen gas (under the roof).
BBC told only about reactors that were in unstable state.
and yeah...5th & 6th reactors temperature is rising.
Hydrogen gas appeared because of Zirconium (heated-rods) + Water reaction.

(in polish TVN)
4 reactors has been exploded.
The most dangerous reactors needs to be stop. 4th and 5th reactors contains uranuim
1. None of reactor cores exploded. Check some posts above.
2. All reactors are stopped since earthquake.
You can't fully shutdown nuclear reactor, moreover removing intact reactor takes weeks or even months.
In this case it's even impossible.
Uranium fuel rods was a good choice though, this prevents from hydrogen explosions that happened several times.
Take it, read it:
Psytechnic has written
I'm sure they just aren't updated with their sources, or they don't have any reporters in the area so they rely on other media feeds and they basicly copy and paste the news feeds that are coming from reuters or/and various other sources from around the globe. It seems that Japan will have a tough time though. Japan is receiving alot of financial contributions though, so they'll recover I'm sure because time heals all wounds. Not sure what you guys are being told in your country, but we're being told (by the BBC) that the plant has only 4 reactors...
You will proprably buy it from a japaneese guy and You wount recive it then.
I mean.. no posts means no one cares.. doesn't it?
We don't care about stuff anymore. When we actually should.
Edit: And for some people here that had some friends in japan, or family.. Are they okay?
It must be hell over there.
KMHayden has written
They just had another earthquake off the coast. 7.4
It must be hell over there.
It must be hell over there.
Could you provide me with a source link. I have to admit I'm to lazy to google it right now, and the news pages I use, donÄt write anythign about it right now.
Anyway, it's pretty sad that nearly noone gives a shit anymore.
Reaper has written
Could you provide me with a source link. I have to admit I'm to lazy to google it right now, and the news pages I use, donÄt write anythign about it right now.
Anyway, it's pretty sad that nearly noone gives a shit anymore.
KMHayden has written
They just had another earthquake off the coast. 7.4
It must be hell over there.
It must be hell over there.
Could you provide me with a source link. I have to admit I'm to lazy to google it right now, and the news pages I use, donÄt write anythign about it right now.
Anyway, it's pretty sad that nearly noone gives a shit anymore.
Heres one: