Off Topic Opinion about World War 3Poll
What would happen after World War 3
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I don't care about... | 16.28% (7) | |
Nothing special. | 6.98% (3) | |
Half of world's population massacre. | 37.21% (16) | |
End of World | 39.53% (17) |
43 votes cast
World isn't a player, it is REAL... it doesn't spawn with full HP, or with lower level.
claude has written
“I don't know what weapons will be used in world war three, but in world war four people will use sticks and stones.” - Albert Einstein
You're ahead of me, I wanted to say the same.
see here:
We can just surrender.
that is my theory
I can't believe something invisible, and who don't shows himself...
U dont see ur brains and so? You always have brains
And god? Is there any proof of he's existence?
@Joap, how do you know that the things that scientist say are true? becuase u believe. If you beleive in the things that the scientis say why u can't bilieve in God?
I think people is smart enough to comprehend tha a 3rd world war will destroy the whole planet, but if it occurs we are all dead .
Doesn't matter if you're a Christian like me or not.
And I doubt Russia will be play a leading role in a probable WWIII. They're no longer the Soviet Union, they're just Russia with a military not as deadly or committed.
The Soviet Union had the will to take on NATO. A very important factor would be a country's willingness to go to total war with another country.
Few countries like North Korea only have this. lol still angry
Then again, there's the Chinese... >->
Now understandably, I've heard that the majority of North Africa and the Middle east are actively sanctioning news such as this but I'm surprised that no one here have even mentioned it yet.
FN_Linkin_Park has written
@Joap, how do you know that the things that scientist say are true? becuase u believe. If you beleive in the things that the scientis say why u can't bilieve in God?
I don't believe science even, i believe in aliens, i don't believe god because there is no proof about he existance, and i believe aliens, because there are infinte planets and infinite universes, so.. there MUST be other races in other planets...
P.S.: I believe brains exists because im currently using my one, and if you want to see 1, do this:
But there's currently a semi-Africa War 1.