@Starkkz - Download the latest version of my Sprites on www.moddb.com - there is a dead houndeye sprite...portals & many many more stuff...xen fungus,xen plants and etc.
Starkkz, your houndeye have a slow speed and when he make beam he need 3.5 sec. but in hl1 he need only 2.0 sec. for make beam.
Starkkz, your houndeye have a slow speed and when he make beam he need 3.5 sec. but in hl1 he need only 2.0 sec. for make beam.
Indeed the houndeye is in need of a speed upgrade and the beam delay should be lessened by -1.5 to be more like Half-Life. How about a run animation too? when the houndeye is standing still it uses the stand still image and when it's hunting a player it'll change into sort of a run animation, I know it's possible somehow. That'd make Half-Life 2D feel alot more alive and interesting but that's if there is move movement types added.