Enjoy voting!
Off Topic maPmaKer Gave Up?Poll
Do you want maPmaKer back?
Only registered users are allowed to vote
Yes | 53.25% (41) | |
No | 46.75% (36) |
77 votes cast
Enjoy voting!
maPmaKer has written
Ok guys I have decided to leave because of stress but here I am back with this question. Do you want me back? Yes or not?
Enjoy voting!
Enjoy voting!
Come back mapper I need you. I need your server and maps pleaase. Ignore those who say you're not cool and your maps sucks. Come baack friend! Come back for Christmas!
I think you now HAVE to leave. Double accounts. That's strictly forbidden! Seems like we have to ban you.
Thanks guys!
Never give up 12.12.10 17:00:56 Mushroom 12.12.10 16:57:08 maPmaKer
Map, i dont know you aswell as other ppl here but you do make good maps.. I would not like to see you talent go away..
i love your maps very much!!
pls come back
Hunter162 has written
Third Account? mapmaker!! NOOOO dont leave NOOOOOO
i love your maps very much!!
pls come back
i love your maps very much!!
pls come back
You haven't uploaded any maps in Unreal Software.
And what kind of stress you can get here?
I don't get the point.
I think he wants attention..
BUT.. his maps on cs2d servers are good..
Silent_Control has written
he made some rp maps. Idk why he deleted his uploads What maps?
edited 1×, last 12.12.10 06:53:10 pm
what the heck dude
third account?