Jawohl has written
You have no clue about how to read a book like that. Sorry. The fact is that the bible contains scientific information that is very impressive for the time when it was created. The fact alone that Genesis 1 contains almost the exact order in which evolution happened is impressive. They shouldn't have known that back then. there was no adam and eve, no garden of eden; the world has always been as harsh as it has always been.
Order in Genesis 1:
* Universe was created
* Sun and Earth were created, Earth was still just a rock
* Water was created on Earth, parts on Earth that had water (Sea) and parts that had land (Continents) happened
* Plants and Sea animals appeared
* Land animals appeared
* Humans appeared
Isn't that exactly what evolution theory suggests? When did evolution theory get developed? When did the bible get written, when did it get spread by voice? It's so far down the timeline that they couldn't have observed those facts using science - science by far wasn't that developed back then.
Adam and Eve were a symbol for the first humans. Their children a symbol for how humanity started being aggressive towards each other instead of living in peace. It's symbols. You don't have to take every word literally. The bible was developed in a way for people back then to understand it - at least parts of it. The other, more scientific, parts were in there too, but there also were stories that simplified things. When you read the bible you have to differentiate between those two types of text.
edited 1×, last 19.12.16 07:30:57 am