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English Human society = an epic fail >>

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old Re: Human society = an epic fail >>

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omg you are stupid you cant under stand what i told you.i didnt tell you KILL YOUR SELF or LIFE IS FAIL.i told you this is the main rule in world:search and find new ways to solve problems BUT as we solve little problems we face new problems wich are harder than before.
for example humans use nuclear reactors to increase energy but they should send their nuclear trashes to other places some countriens send them to other planets or ... but some send them to poor countries WHAT WILL HAPPEN AFTER SOME YEARS POOR COUNTRIES UNDERSTAND THAT AND THEY WANT TO DISAPEAR THOSE TRASHES if you are not stupid with low IQ tell me isnt it harder than befre?
it is the RULE we just solve problems and face to harder problems.some thing like puzzle {{{{{LEVEL UP!!!}}}}

old Re: Human society = an epic fail >>

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PRINCE of PERSIA has written
omg you are stupid you cant under stand what i told you.i didnt tell you KILL YOUR SELF or LIFE IS FAIL.i told you this is the main rule in world:search and find new ways to solve problems BUT as we solve little problems we face new problems wich are harder than before.
for example humans use nuclear reactors to increase energy but they should send their nuclear trashes to other places some countriens send them to other planets or ... but some send them to poor countries WHAT WILL HAPPEN AFTER SOME YEARS POOR COUNTRIES UNDERSTAND THAT AND THEY WANT TO DISAPEAR THOSE TRASHES if you are not stupid with low IQ tell me isnt it harder than befre?
it is the RULE we just solve problems and face to harder problems.some thing like puzzle {{{{{LEVEL UP!!!}}}}

Excuse me , Are you Trying to Fail Harder? , When the Fuck did we Start Talking about These "Puzzles"? , We are Talking about the Failure of Human Society , Not Solving Problems only to Solve More Problems , Also , it's Nuclear Waste , Not Trashes

Don't Try to Act Smart , Going About the Streets Calling People "Idiots with low IQ" Will only Get you Punches in the Face , Why don't you Quit your Idiotic Attitude and Get out , Mister?

old Re: Human society = an epic fail >>

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Shanghaimi -Chet- Chen has written
Fuck off , Prince of Persia , Stop Opening your Goddamn Mouth If you have no Idea what the Fuck is going on , Extending The World's Lifetime IS possible , Think outside the Damn Box.

It is Therein that as the Human Population Grows , We Must Find Alternatives , Earth is Not Enough , And Every Living Being Wishes to live

I see that You are one of the Idiotic Majority of the Human Population , And we didn't Ask for a History Lesson on The Earth , It's Technological Stupidity we are Talking about , Go back to your Idiot hole Before Coming Back with a Stupid Answer

Ever heard of the first law of Thermodynamics? It goes as so:

"Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, however energy cannot always be used."
"Once The sun's energy is put into a solar panel and travels through, say, a light-bulb, most of it's energy is converted to heat and light. Mainly heat. You may know that the further away you are from the light-bulb the less hot it will be. This is because as the energy travels it is slowly converted into 'potential energy' that isn't sotred in an object, so therefore cannot be used any longer by anything in the universe."

The guy that figuired that out is a lot more clever than you are, so think before you speak. I was a physics boffen in school, i used to grovel at the sound of thermodynamic's effect on our world. If humans do not figure out a way to recycle every bit of energy that we waste, we will end up destryoing our world and all that is in it. Potential energy that isn't stored in an object is 100% unusable, so therefore we are literally destroying the world by using our computers. Just one bit of energy at a time. And stop capitalising every first letter of every word, it is extremely incorrect, and I don't think you should say that others do not speak english properly when you cannot actually realise the basic rules of the flipping language.

old Re: Human society = an epic fail >>

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I gota agree with the cold hard facts of science here but seriously Prince of Putas STFU n get off my thread unless you learn how to properly & respectfully communicate about the said topic >>

& yes the US has a wee bit too many inbreed charlatans >>
Its sad but true But you can blame the cooperatized school systems for that .... they want to make you dumb they dont want educated people who can sit at the kitchen table & realize how badly they are getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard roughly 108 years ago

old Re: Human society = an epic fail >>

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Prince no body understands your opinion fully as you portrayed it in a incoherent chaotic manner >> Basically you didn't write your opinion clearly & even I cant make out what you were implying

old Re: Human society = an epic fail >>

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DannyDeth has written
"Energy cannot be created nor destroyed, however energy cannot always be used."
"Once The sun's energy is put into a solar panel and travels through, say, a light-bulb, most of it's energy is converted to heat and light. Mainly heat. You may know that the further away you are from the light-bulb the less hot it will be. This is because as the energy travels it is slowly converted into 'potential energy' that isn't sotred in an object, so therefore cannot be used any longer by anything in the universe."


Are you Attempting to Fuck around with my mind? I Studied more Science then you do , and i Can tell you that your Theory is Total Bullshit , All Types of Energy can Always be Reused , as Long as we find a Way to do so

And if you have a Problem with my Capitalization : The Universe is of Different kinds , No two People are Ever the Same , You want to Live , You'll Have to Deal with Diversity

And if you hate having to Deal with Diversity , Why don't you just Call the Suicide Headline and Say that your Problem is now Gone?

old Re: Human society = an epic fail >>

Super User Off Offline

It's true unless we find a way to convert it again. You forget there are many dynamic activities throughout the universe that might reinvigorate these potential energies.

A new star's birth maybe, etc, etc...

Hell, BLACK HOLES HAVE ROTATIONAL ENERGY. If you of course mean of Human use, then do not fear, energy(physical) is in abundance and will never run out because it's always there.

old Re: Human society = an epic fail >>

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@Shanghaimi -Chet- Chen:
I doubt you ever studied/will study as much science as me, I had no life other than studying until I was 16. Nothing in the entire universe can use potential energy if it is not stored in matter. It is the only kind of energy that is this way. I think that you should keep your unknowledgable mouth shut and think carefully about what you say before you start talking about physical science to me, I love it and always will love it. Have you ver heard of Stephan Hawking? He is the world's greatest mind, and he knows that the law of thermodynamics is correct. And no, diversity is not an issue to me. I live in a country where racism can land you a life-time in the slammer. Divercity is good, I was pointing this out:
You are telling PoP to shut his 'Goddamned Mouth' because he is trying to point out that we, as humans, shouldn't be wasting the Earths recourses, and killing each other over oil. I then happened to know that you have told numerous U.S members that their english is horrific, but you yourself do not understand the most basic laws of the language. And then you start flaming every single person that has an opinion that does not consuit with yours. You, my friend, are the most apathetic person I have ever had the dis-pleasure to know exsisted. And no, by the way, I did not make up the laws of thermodynamics, they have been around longer that both you and I.

People like you do not understand the true extent of life and the universe, I think you are similar to someone who lock mentally-ill people in padded cells for money, you just want things the way you want and if you don't get them that way you just explode into a ball of anger and start flaming people unneccisarily. PoP has a good point, he just does not have the grammer/spelling to give it to us in and understandable way. Never reject an idea just because you don't understand it.

old Re: Human society = an epic fail >>

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Lol at the poster, tho I think that Nazism already passed away in Germany. :3 just saying.

I hate how the amendments that built up our nation are being twisted around by the government. Freedom of speech:Say what we please, yet we get in troube somehow. Freedom of thought:Think what we want, but we get in trouble somehow. and so on and so forth.

old Re: Human society = an epic fail >>

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I can agree here in the USA we Americans have gotten lazy & aloud a fascist corporate state to take control of our countries government by keeping political parties & congress on their pay roll >>

& people the definition of fascism is when a government is controlled & or influenced by multiple private monopolistic cooperation's so thus its a fascist country >>

It does not matter which party you vote for they both take orders from the same elitist corporate scum bags. The system is rigged & has been for about 100 or so years. They started to take control about 110 yeas ago & the finally finished the job in 1913 when Woodrow Wilson sold the country out for presidential campaign funding.

So when he became president he sigh a bill to create "private" central band AKA the Federal Reserve that was designed by banking cartels alone with out any influence by the people or any one in government for that matter.

So basically since 1913 people like The Rockefeller, The Morgan's, The Rothschild's, & the Warburg's have had complete control of this countries money supply. & they dont give the money to the government AKA the people for free they LOAN it at INTEREST.

We can only borrow money from the Federal Reserve & we have to pay back all the money we borrow at interest which mean they have us in a perpetual debt that it impossible to pay off so thus this debt becomes a new form of slavery.

It forces the government to collect taxes from its citizens who are then forced to work in one way or another for the corporations. to " temporarily" balance out the debt the Fed increases the money supply which in turn creates inflation & the value of the US dollar slowly losses value over time >>

To get the same value for 1 dollar in 1913 you would need approximately 29 dollars in today's money >> That right there says how incredibly fucked up this system is >>

On top of that the Fed regulates the value of the money depending on how much money they put in circulation.

If you read carefully on modern US dollar bills they clearly say quote "This tender is legal for all "DEBTS" public & private" Basically it says that that dollar is a worthless piece of paper not back by any REAL value whatsoever.

Before 1913 on dollar bills they said more or less that its legal tender backed by the gold standard. That meant that you could go to any of the small private banks at that time & trade in your paper money for gold or silver coins of the same value >>

They got rid of the gold standard completely via Nixon in 1972 to seal the deal but before that in 1921 these corporate pricks lobbied for a bill that forced all US citizens to "forfeit" all their gold or else face a $500 dollar fine & or up to 5 years imprisonment. Basically they robbed the public of what little health they had left.

This gold is now stored in multiple private banks owned by major banking cartels Like Fort Knox for example. They own that too ... indirectly own it to be exact. On top of that they also own all the important industries & land just to sweeten the deal >>

They got you by the balls America & they aren't letting go anytime soon >>

old Re: Human society = an epic fail >>

User Off Offline

Germany is NOT nazi anymore. There are still some people who think that the nazi ideology was good, but they also exist in other countries. Most germans want to have a democratic country and our country IS democratic.
German Law has written
(1) The Federal Republic of Germany is a democratic and social federal state

That's one of the laws which are unchangeable.
I think that shows that we are not nazi anymore
(just had to defend my country a bit...)

old Re: Human society = an epic fail >>

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i like this MOD he is more inteligent than other.(or maybe he is older than other)
yesterday i was watching a tv program about increasing ppl life:scientist think they can increase ppl life to 1000! in some years later,and now they freeze ppl in some cold places and stop their life time,and some of scientist can make body parts by only 1 CELL.most of those scientist agree with me that these things are good now but all ppl like to have 1000 years or they want to change their body parts when they get older BUT they was afraid that it increase we dont have enough food for all ppl now think what will happen if ppl live 1000 year!no food=ppl killing each other and become ZOMBIES [this is not only my opinion this is some inteligent scientist idea]
some scientist agree that there is no planet like earth near us to migrate there.SO we have only this earth and we are destroing this every day.thats clear what will you think that we can control our eart time now?
i dont think we can do that so much but we can do our best to find new ways and solve our problem but we will face harder problem later it is like a computer game when you win a mission you face a harder mission

i hope you understand and dont swearing me{THINK just THINK about this}
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