Off Topic Favourite numberPoll
What is your favourite number from 1 to 10?
Only registered users are allowed to vote
1 | 6.25% (6) | |
2 | 7.29% (7) | |
3 | 6.25% (6) | |
4 | 8.33% (8) | |
5 | 16.67% (16) | |
6 | 8.33% (8) | |
7 | 34.38% (33) | |
8 | 10.42% (10) | |
9 | 1.04% (1) | |
10 | 1.04% (1) |
96 votes cast
With just one of the digits of the answer, you can make any number in the world through calculation. So what's a number if not a symbolic representation of a quantity?
My favourite number is calculated above, my favourite quantity is the first digit.
Psytechnic has written
With just one of the digits of the answer, you can make any number in the world through calculation. So what's a number if not a symbolic representation of a quantity?
My favourite number is calculated above, my favourite quantity is the first digit.
With just one of the digits of the answer, you can make any number in the world through calculation. So what's a number if not a symbolic representation of a quantity?
My favourite number is calculated above, my favourite quantity is the first digit.
Just bloody pick a number.
my vote is 1 cuz this topic deserves the 1. place for the topics with the most brainedbullshittingnolifing in it.
my favorite is 79246852 what i vote?
Yates has written
Just bloody pick a number.
It's 84 in his matter I think, using mathematics as tool. My favorite number was 42, but now it's 7. Psytechnic has written
With just one of the digits of the answer, you can make any number in the world through calculation. So what's a number if not a symbolic representation of a quantity?
My favourite number is calculated above, my favourite quantity is the first digit.
With just one of the digits of the answer, you can make any number in the world through calculation. So what's a number if not a symbolic representation of a quantity?
My favourite number is calculated above, my favourite quantity is the first digit.
Just bloody pick a number.
If I had known that I would know what his number was, but I didn't
I'm use to pen and paper lolz.
If you use + you come up with this,
But you came up with something else
Yates has written
But what the hell is "^" ?
It means exponentiation.
The left operand is the base number and the right operand is the exponent.
we use this number for computation extensively, true story
Yates has written
I double this. What the fuck does "I'm not only a guy" means? Do you think that most of Unreal Software users are girls or what?
I know the answer..
I know the answer..
Whoa ? What the hell. I do not said "Iam not only a guy." What the hell. It wasn't me !
And fail quote btw.
Edit: here to help you, use these quotes.
Just remove the spaces
[ quote="Yates"][ quote="oxytamine"][ quote="Sunny Autumn"][ quote="MrShock"]
Iam not only a guy.
Erm... what?![/quote]
I double this. What the fuck does "I'm not only a guy" means? Do you think that most of Unreal Software users are girls or what?[/quote]
I know the answer..
[ spoiler]He is a transvestite! [/spoiler][/quote]
MrShock has written
They hacked my account
No one cares lol.
edited 1×, last 24.05.11 02:00:47 pm