CS2D General i want to film cs2d when i'm playing[on]
There is a lot of programs for this. Google is your friend
And for the best edit i recommend you Sony Vegas 9.0 Platunim (Need to pay)
Fraps is the best video capturer out there. They do have a trial version.
CoolioG has written
Fraps > all
Fraps is the best video capturer out there. They do have a trial version.
Fraps is the best video capturer out there. They do have a trial version.
do fraps lossless rgb @ 50fps if ur hard drive can handle it.
fraps optimizes for the last two
AMD has written
fraps too. You have to buy it.
i have full fraps, no advert. and free
maPmaKer has written
I got fraps too but when I record it makes files like 3.7 GB large for only 5 minutes. Why?
This is the bad thing, But ya use hypercam. its not so large when you record.
maPmaKer has written
I got fraps too but when I record it makes files like 3.7 GB large for only 5 minutes. Why?
Well, it records uncompressed RGB, so you must set in options something else if possible.
FYI, uncompressed RGB video is just set of BMPs, if there is 25FPS, there will be 25 bmp files for one second. I think you know what does this mean.
Fraps // In full you can record in HD