Off Topic Chuck Norris is ALL.Chuck Norris can count to infinite !
Chuck Norris play et the russian roulette with all 7 bullets
You're talking about a fix at the website and i saw someone saying that he tryed to hack this website using html
In Soviet Russia, Chuck Norris hits Oar.
I saw that he made fake accounts, but for what?
But you guys do know that's fake, because no one commented on that gif pic. (Fake that he gets hit in the face) Just saying, for the people who are
P.S. (FIX):
In Soviet Russia, Oar hits Chuck Norris
MrShock has written
Now Iam fail same as the Ultr4Killer
Yates has written
Lol, after this msg I now agree with oxytamine 200%
Now Iam fail same as the Ultr4Killer
Yeah, you're right, except you were ALWAYS a noob. Dude, seriously. GTFO, please.
WnF Crazykevin has written
Chuck Norris dont sleep with a gun under the pillow, he sleep with a pillow under the gun.
this is more like a Soviet Russian joke
Chuck Norris is not all because Bruce Lee can beat him
Chuck Norris created the Nether.
Chuck Norris mine bedrock with he's own hands.
In Soviet Russia, Chuck Norris is still noob
SpartanP45 has written
I never new Chuck Norris
Good bye my friend... Hope your suffer doesn't be so long...
In Soviet Russia. Pcmaster or Oito will be killed for saying Chuck Norris is a noob
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