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English aliens

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old Re: aliens

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There is alot of evidence that UFOs were possible German WW2 Wuder Waffen AKA wonder weapons.

Would also explain y their was so many post war UFO sightings during & after the war especially after since both the USA & USSR copied many German weapons & also experimented with other weird weapons the Germans were making.

The only problem with this theory is that in 1943 Los Angele's was the sight of more or less the USA's 1st encounter with UFOs

At around midnight US air defense radar picked up UFOs moving above Los Angele's & in response solders manning 5 inch anti aircraft artillery & search lights spotted targeted & opened fire on 3 cigar shaped objects. they had like 5 search lights fixed on one of the craft for an hour while AA fired almost everything they had on it with no effect. Heres a pic a newspaper guy caught during the event. After about an hour the dam thing just flew away with 3 other craft like it heading West towards the Pacific.

This would also explain y the government reacted so quickly after the Roswell incident

All tho were the Germans got the idea is beyond me @_@ seriously they advanced in terms of technology about 30-40 years ahead of the rest of the world coming right out of the depression 0.0 No other nation in modern history has made such a leap in tech EVER to this day even

But hey who knows this is just my own educated guess & speculation.

old Re: aliens

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wdf is this about 2012? this is bout aliens, not 2012

and only i saw aliens in my dream

old Re: aliens

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If the "2012" Theory is real , Then we would Already be Living in a Crumbling world , i mean , nobody's going to just Wake up to Find the world Gone Or the World's Disapearing With not a Single Trace or The Sun Exploding in a Massive Implosion That Causes Everything to Crumble on their Own Weight in a Blink of an Eye

The Germans Are Already Building Darn UFOs' , Don't Ask me What Is it They are thinking(Perhaps to Make People Freak out)

old Re: aliens

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The Germans planned to create the world's biggest tank, and a bell that could time-warp. Who knows what went to their minds of making saucer aircraft.
I think maybe the government is making the UFOs as an exchange for technology and knowledge from that other entity.. Who knows? :3

old Re: aliens

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A time-warping bell? Seriously..

old Re: aliens

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never saw any credible document about a bell shaped aircraft aside from that episode of UFO hunters on history channel.

all other German based "UFO like" projects were actually funded by the SS & Luftwaffe as fragments of thos projects files & documents still remain intact in archives. If anything I think they were trying to create an intercontinetal bomber specificaly for the role of deploying German Nukes most likely against the Russians as they were the greatest threat to the crumbling 3rd rich towards the end of the war.

(yes Germans did make & detonate at least 1 weapon as we have found the supposed test site in modern day Eastern Poland & its loaded with above average radiation levels)

their was also the issue of the German U bout U-235 that surrender after being ordered to when Germany finally surrendered. This U bout was the largest of its kind & was modified to be a stealth under water cargo ship destined for Japan. It surrendered & was interned along with its crew by the US navy in the Pacific.

On board were not only high level Nazis but German engineers. 2 Japanese's officers ( committed suicide instead of surrendering with luminol poison) disassembled V2 ballistic missiles with warheads 2 disassembled Messerschmidt ME 262 fighter jets & last but no least

(1500 lbs of uranium oxide IE 77% pure bomb making material)

If the Germans were going to give up valuable war materials like that at the end of the war god knows what else they were working on that would cause them to abandon project that could have ended the war in a stalemate for them 0.0

Its surprising how we know so little about the past as much of it is educated speculation just like the whole UFO topic....

although both topic are quite intriguing as there are elements of undeniable truths to them

old Re: aliens

BANNED Off Offline

Ok i believe there is life in the space but:
There are no Aliens on Earth else the whole news was about it every day and on mars they have found water so there could have been life but that doesnt proof anything about aliens so i believe there is life on another planet but i am guessing that its very far away from here maybe in another universe.
So maybe because its to far away to travel with our space ships if we ever get one then i believe we maybe never find out that there is more life and if we do it will take for sure another 100 years maybe shorter its hard to say but it will take a lot of time before we could find another life.

old Re: aliens

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The Camo has written
Aliens do exist, who would believe that we are only ones in the universe?...

If those are real space ships that people are talking about or showing on youtube, then they look almost like us (Or they do look like us).

Anyways, Invaders must die!

2012 is the end of the world, or someone got tired of writing calendar.

First of all, You are right in one thing and you are wrong in three things:

1. What if the Invaders themselves help us survive "2012"

2. "2012" is just random crap, Do you really believe that Mayan people have something to do with the God (Jesus)!??

3. Other videos in YouTube are real and others are fake. Take a look at the Hawaiian video at the beach, That is OBVIOUSLY FAKE.

old Re: aliens

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Mod has written
wdf is this about 2012? this is bout aliens, not 2012

and only i saw aliens in my dream

Yeah, Right. Aliens dont exist. Maybe in Dream but ... Not

old Re: aliens

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sigh once again u idiots tie religion to a thread about UFOs n aliens >>

Let me clarify a fact that 2012 is a completely astrological even tied in no way with gods nor the end of the world >>

Jesus AKA Jesua 'his real name' was a normal human being "NOT A GOD" & Christ was not his last name but a title meaning the enlightened one.

He did mention 2012 indirectly as its a mathematically calculated astrological even that occurs ever 2300 years as it marks the change from one age to another.

(12 ages are listed via zodiac signs to each age)

Jesua in the old testament said he would forever be with his followers until the end of the age or the age of Pisces
which ends on 2012. the next age or 2300 year period will be Taurus.

People mistake this as the end of the world due to a mis translation of the original testament from latin to english >>

the word they fucked up on was aeon which really was supposed to be age.

As for the aliens existing or not I would have to say that their is most certainly intelligent life out in the universe but the question is not only were are they but when as the universe in incredibly old so its possible that there may have been other technologically advanced species out there but they may be too far away from us or simply extinct for various possible reasons.

UFOs however AKA unidentified flying objects are FACT the problem is that we dont know were they come from or who made them. they may be alien or the may be man made craft or possibly both who knows.

To better understand one your best bet would be to lure one in via fake Nazca like line drawings in the ground like the Russians did in Kapushtin Yar & find a way to capture & or shoot one down then study it up close.

old Re: aliens

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The Nazca lines were believed to be runways for some otherworldly entity. The lines that resembled birds and monkeys (I think monkeys..?) were made because the natives forgot about the true meaning. However, it's said that the entities showed the natives the secret of flight and they built primitive "hot air" balloons. Whether or not this is true, I can't say.

However, this isn't the first time that otherworldly "gods" came to visit in ancient times.

As for the "time warp bell" thing, look up Die (or Di..?) Glocke and you'll see what I mean.

For whatever the "alien" UFOs run on in fuel, I watched on UFO hunters how an ex-Area 51 member actually saw what the fuel was:Element 115. Apparently there is something in its elemental structure that is "84", the magical number in physics. Therefor the craft can fly in ways that defy physics. How the ex-Area 51 member actually had the courage to tell that info is beyond me.

old Re: aliens

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the guy who saw & worked their was Bob Lazar thats his name.

Interesting fact is that he said it used elements 115 & 116 which at the time when he had the interview with local news didn't even exist. That was in the late 80s but recently in 2006 some Russian scientists create elements 115 & 116 0.o ironic part was that in that 1st interview Lazar stated the their were Russian scientist working at S4 with him but they were kicked out for some unknown reason

old Re: aliens

Night Till Death
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Telmomarques has written
@Night Till Death it wasn't a firefly retard -.-
the only retard here is you. A. why call me a retard if i am just asking a question? B. Are you a small kid raging? nevermind i dont wanna even find out how small kids like you get on a forum like this. anyway back to the topic. I think that we are not the only spiecies in the univers so...

old Re: aliens

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I Coulden't understand what you are talking about...I wounder if aliens really are out there...Whaat colour would they be I guess RED


old Re: aliens

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The thing with the Russian scientist actually is ironic
Heh, pretty strange thing to put, but what IF there are aliens disguised as humans among us... Something to think about for at least a good 10 seconds

old Re: aliens

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aliens as human beings......err not likely as they could get caught / found out humans arnt stupid ya know. IF they would do something like that they would probably do it to study or learn about us but that can be done easier just by observing us from orbit & tapping our electronic communications which by the way aside from military satellites are completely un protected. signals are transmitted in open airways & can be easily taped once you get the right frequency.

This could also explain why their are so many UFO incidents near military & civilian communications areas IE any area that has a large amount of radio traffic & other tele communications.

old Re: aliens

BANNED Off Offline

Autobot Bumblebee ISMC has written
@L0lz They are true, in fact, One of the famous scientist of our time Stephen Hawking, He proved that Aliens do exist on other planets on other galaxies, It is impossible to state that we are the only living things in the Universe (lolwut).

Maybe those so-called "Aliens" might help us in our everyday problems or even Aliens might help us survive when the infamous "2012" happens.

Also, 2012 is not true, In other person's opinion, December 21 2012 means the "ending" of the Mayan Calendar, You guys got FOOLED. Mayan people has nothing to do with the Apocalypse. You should watch Discovery Channel, and read more Wikipedia

Holy godnes. Are you freaking kidding me. ONly guy who get fooled here is you. I watch discovery every day and there was something about 2012 and they said there is 3 thing what can kill us

1: Super vulacn in yelowstone park

2: sun eruption

3: planet niburu (planetX) will crash on earth but they removed the third fact so there is 2 left.

Dont try to act like discovery science unknow thing who thing he knows everything.

And dont trust to everything what you see in discovery. FOr example if they would saytomorow is end of the world would you trust it? Becouse i not.

"Use your brain not your aimbot" from cs2d

In other worlds use your brain before your classmate will say you your family died.

old Re: aliens

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Pupp3t has written
The thing with the Russian scientist actually is ironic
Heh, pretty strange thing to put, but what IF there are aliens disguised as humans among us... Something to think about for at least a good 10 seconds

I believe he was being sarcastic.

As has been mentioned there are alien microbes out there (alien to us), but you guys know our planet is unique, lots of fresh and salt water(salt water so that it can be evaporated and made to rain so that we can have plants), the right axis and tilt, position from the sun ect.
edited 1×, last 26.10.10 10:41:00 pm

old Re: aliens

made in Finland
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i recently read somewhere that they did NOT translate it right. my source may fail though but it was a popular paper

old Re: aliens

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.. Nice..?
Anyways, it would be nice to see the aliens land here and greet us at least for awhile. Then they leave.

However, I have read about how they plan on creating a hybrid.. of human/alien. Creepy.
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