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English what would you like to see in CS2D

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old Re: what would you like to see in CS2D

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Soja1997 has written
In editor Function
Name :
Trigger :
Name Creature :
Speed Creature :
Health Creature :
Attack Creature :
Speed Attack Creature: (in seconds)
Defense :
Special : (explosion, fireshock,energyschock etc.)
Loot : 81,85,30(Super ARmor,Chainsaw,ak-47)
Image : (Browse to image)
Image must have monster rotation that same in ct1,ct2,ct3,ct4 etc.

I lol'd
CS2D isn't RPG, CS2D is a war theme, making this pretty useless

old Re: what would you like to see in CS2D

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In editor Function
Name :
Trigger :
Name Creature :
Speed Creature :
Health Creature :
Attack Creature :
Speed Attack Creature: (in seconds)
Defense :
Special : (explosion, fireshock,energyschock etc.)
Loot : 81,85,30(Super ARmor,Chainsaw,ak-47)
Image : (Browse to image)
Image must have monster rotation that same in ct1,ct2,ct3,ct4 etc.
its fine for a new game mod(cooperative),the attack can come in waves(survival) or would be more similar to a mission.
enemies would be at the discretion of the mapper(corbines,soldiers,raptors,robots,aliens,demons..), would be very interesting, possibility to to create more complex monsters and improve the gameplay : ).
might be better if it was possible to create their own weapons, or the game would already available several types of attacks that cause various effects(like rpg maker system)

old Re: what would you like to see in CS2D

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•Sv_Noclip ( wall hack like sv_noclip 1/0 and for admins noclip )
•Move Able Objects With E or walking through it
•Setting Weapons Price
•Gravity = Bullets and Players Is Slow
•Setting Weapon Max Bullets ( and normal bullets 2 )
•Setting Realoding Time
•Entring Server Only With "Vips Usgns" ( i know you can make in lua but more easy if make it)
•Portal Gun = If Granade In A Portal If Theres Exit The Granade Go To Other Portal , Portal Can Levitate guns ( not shoot just levitate )
•Setting Team Names And Adding teams ( Like terrorist And Ct Change It to Bandits Police and Adding more )
•Player Badges ( If In Server Is On if its off ) - like achivments like if you do lvl 1 you get 1 Badge ( you could see them in TAB )

old Re: what would you like to see in CS2D

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Focus2D has written
Hmmm.. what would i like to see in CS2D I'd like too see the old CS2D up and running, with a better anti-cheat system, and easy server hosting.

and full of bug also insecure

old Re: what would you like to see in CS2D

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So that in most Town Maps players can just have their own passwords to own their own houses without anyone entering except for themselves.
Password needed to open doors and ETC.

BE a hostage!
Ghost Armor - Lets you walk through walls instead of a script
ARMOR SETTER - So you can set armor amount of armors like STEALTH SUIT to 100% or LOWER...
AWP Fog of War Vision - Instead of just a scope as your vision there should be a Fog of War that only shows whats in front of your depending on where your mouse is facing it shouldnt have been just a plain scope because it isnt in 3D.
Prison Game mode...
Town Game mode...
REAL DEATH - Instead of dying and all that shows is blood let it be like a real body.... Instead of using a script

Instead of using a script there should have been some mod for friends of an Admin to join a certain team like T is admin or CT is admin. (well yea its up to DC if he will add this Admin Team feature cuz thats what RCON is for)

Info_teamgate upgrades - Act as a wall to the opposing team who is not allowed to pass instead of die...

REALISTIC WALLS - Sprites become walls instead of always place func_dynwall on it cuz if the Sprite is Circular the wall is gonna be SQUARE..

Barricade Obstacles - Barricades should be able to be Obstacles too

Player Spectator mode - You know like some mode instead of watching on top of them your just some player that walks around being like some sort of ghost and you just watch and spectate it from a better way

And yea thats pretty much it

old Re: what would you like to see in CS2D

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Maybe if he removed the Silence ON/ Silence OFF bullshit, or made it optional, because I fucken know if it's off or on..i dont need a 5 year old message popping up on my screen telliing me its on.. or off..
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