
* Moving objects
* Real Zombies (Not a Tt carrying a claw

* Make the Cs2d servers less lag (its lag even on the best ping server) imean to make the Cs2d server handle all this servers.
* Add new official maps
Thats all

Blazzingxx has written
it's possible to script full invisibility
Really? How?


It sucks and looks stupid in s quite simple game like this - besides, its fast to just chat.
And im pretty sure that 20 out of 200 people will actually use mic if its possible..
I used to have one server in past versions
He desappeared whit the actual version
Patasuss has written
demo recording
That would be nice!
And voice chat too!

id=createentity(nameofentity(I.E. env_item),x,y)
setentityparameter(id,parameter(as in return function of object))
DC has written
I think I have to introduce a new rule:
suggesting voice shit will lead to a ban and a visit from a serial killer.
I think I have to introduce a new rule:
suggesting voice shit will lead to a ban and a visit from a serial killer.
( @ )
Don't open your door from now, it may be that serial killer...

Nexos has written
Walk over an Sprite when a guy stand bellow the Sprite

I don`t quite know what you meant, but "map layers" would be cool, like 3 of them: 1 for surface, 1 for middle-level, one for underground.
This would make sewers and dungeon possible for example, so you don`t have to do them do the corner of the map or something like that.
Vectar666 has written
And if one level has hole, you can fall to next level.
Just like that, and you could climb stairs to upper level =D
improved AI
more weapons
ability to script fire FX (like the flamethrower)
For Editor

*Wall vertical \
*Obstacle vertical /
*Obstacle vertical \...
Now this is something that I always wanted a

Profile:Where your friends are,visited maps,current rank on specific map,currnet rank on whole cs2D maps...
Spectator spawn:When you join spectator you spawn at a T or CT spawnpoint and can walk around,no one can harm you and you not effect the gameplay(triggers,blood)...
able to script weapons similar to CC
Get a persons usgn NAME instead of only getting the number you should be able to get both.
edited 1×, last 10.03.10 11:45:18 pm
1. New nations like Russian Spetzcnaz (army) and Irland guerilla (I don`t remember. But more nat. like in CS1.6-on-Steam)
2. Most standart files (like car enigne, watefall and some other sounds)
3. Entity env_slowmove (In marked zone your lose your speed, like sewers or some small caves etc)
Moving dyn_walls (like car and helicoptes in other CS)
4. New type of fog of war (you see all what your teammates)
5. Translation to many languges (German,Italian,French,Spanish,Russian,Polak etc.)
6. FIX TEXT BUG (other languages looks like strange symbols) - normal text was in 1.1.5 version.
7. More maps (like airstrip and some zombe maps)
8. New game modes king of the hill (you must stay in marked zones some time to win) or Fgt to Crown (protect your crown! Don`t let them steal her!)
9. Hostages use telepors (Or they are ghosts?)
10. Many colors srays (32x32) 16 coors better than 2.
11. Ancient weapons like swords, arbalets and pikes.
12. you haven`t crosshair when you put AWP or Scout in ur hands (more realistic)
The end. Sorry for some errors in text
edited 2×, last 11.03.10 12:41:34 am