I'm posting this to check if theres a request for a server hosting service which I might offer in the near future.
Some features are:
-running 24/7 (hey, its dedicated! ;))
-no need to update the server- version (ill do it for you)
-low pings
-high brandwith
-no traffic pay (inclusive)
-you can install all mods / maps / whatever you want
-you can start/stop/show the status via the web-panel
-you can bind the server-status into your (clan-)site
-full access to your server settings and to the server in general
-upload of files via web-based FTP client which is built in the web-panel
The price would be about 3USD per month. All slots (32).
Post if you have some questions or youd like more infos... or if you want to show me your interest!