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English Insight today... RUNESCAPE!

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Poll Poll

Is runescape ANY good?

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30 votes cast

old Poll Insight today... RUNESCAPE!

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Today`s topic is about Runescape.

Have you ever played it?
How long you played it?
How did you liked it?
Were you ever member?
What is the level of your lovely OpenGl-character?

Answer to these guestions quickly, and you`ll win a PIZZA!*


Ever played: √
Time played: 3 years, started at 6th grade.
How it was: I liked it.
Were I member: √
LVL: 96

*Winning pizza doesn`t actually mean you`ll win one.
edited 1×, last 08.11.09 11:30:12 am

old Re: Insight today... RUNESCAPE!


I'm level 100 in free world, 106 in member worlds. But I haven't played for months now. I've been member a couple times. Runescape has truelly changed graphicwise, it's not the same. I can't load HD cause it requires a good graphics card... the game is filled with great stuff like mini-games like clan wars, castle wars, fist-of-guthix. You can also go questing, train your combat, mining, cooking, etc.

I got 97 cooking.
I don't know when I'll quit... perhaps when I reach 99 on cooking possibly.

I got nearly full dragon (missing full dragon helm which is worth 27 mil or something), I have 10 mil coins/gp in bank.
I have done loads of quests.

old Re: Insight today... RUNESCAPE!

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Ever Player: √
Time Played: 1 Day
How it was: Not my type of game.
But its cool that you dont need to install much because its browser based.

can i get my pizza please?

old Re: Insight today... RUNESCAPE!

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Ever played:Yep
Been member: Yep
Time played:first 2 years then 1 day
How was it:First i played it
it was limited in free so i became a member
then i lost that account
made a new one
by this time there were HD graphics but it was really boring
I said someone a retard and he got angry and suicided by
a troll
man noobs these days

old Re: Insight today... RUNESCAPE!

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Ever played √
Been member ×
Time played 30 minutes
How was it? i haven't liked it much. The graphics sucks. I would start playing it when the ipod touch browser would support java -.-

old Re: Insight today... RUNESCAPE!

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Have you ever played it? Yes
How long you played it? For 3 years
How did you liked it? Best Game EVER!!
Were you ever member? Yes
What is the level of your lovely OpenGl-character?
100 f2p, 103 p2p.

old Re: Insight today... RUNESCAPE!

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PixelHunter has written
Ever Player: √
Time Played: 1 Day
How it was: Not my type of game.
But its cool that you dont need to install much because its browser based.

can i get my pizza please?

Read the small print

old Re: Insight today... RUNESCAPE!

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i played the game, found it to be somewhat crapy... i might play it latter on in the future but that would be only under drastic circumstances of having NO OTHER GAME!

old Re: Insight today... RUNESCAPE!


Ever played: √
Time played: I dont know about 1 hour? or 2
How was it?: it sucked
Were I member: yes
LVL: 10 or something

old Re: Insight today... RUNESCAPE!

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Ever Played: √
time played: 4 years off and on
how was it?: Incredibly well made.
Was I ever a Member: Several times.
LVL: 6-7? I think.

Now for my detailed insight of which no one wants to read:
RS is a very well put together community game. Jagex, the creators, are working hard to improve the game's playability, and the safety of the players, not just to make millions. It is a large, ever updated game where you can't complete it in a couple hours, a day, a week, a month, a year, because it is not to be completed. Even If you've completed all quests, ave 99 on every skill, and have or can get every item, You can still play with you friends and play the mini games, not to mention the new updates of new skills and quests. RS creates a feel of a different world, and mysteries a muck. (Has anyone ever used that in the past decade?) It was and is extremely, as said before, well put together.

old Re: Insight today... RUNESCAPE!

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>For all the guys that say that Runescape sucks/has bad graphics/PLAY WOW YOU NOOBS/RS IS FOR NERDS/ < !!you're wrong.!!

1) Runescape is coded in Java.
2) For Java, these graphics are incredibly good.
3) Runescape is more complex than almost any game.
4) You can play it in the browser. you can play it ANYWHERE.
5) You don't have to install anything.
6) Jagex frequently adds new content. (more than once per month).

old Re: Insight today... RUNESCAPE!

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Bloodshot has written
Now for my detailed insight of which no one wants to read:
RS is a very well put together community game. Jagex, the creators, are working hard to improve the game's playability, and the safety of the players, not just to make millions. It is a large, ever updated game where you can't complete it in a couple hours, a day, a week, a month, a year, because it is not to be completed. Even If you've completed all quests, ave 99 on every skill, and have or can get every item, You can still play with you friends and play the mini games, not to mention the new updates of new skills and quests. RS creates a feel of a different world, and mysteries a muck. (Has anyone ever used that in the past decade?) It was and is extremely, as said before, well put together.

Actually it was exaclusive info

old Re: Insight today... RUNESCAPE!

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Silent_Control has written
>For all the guys that say that Runescape sucks/has bad graphics/PLAY WOW YOU NOOBS/RS IS FOR NERDS/ < !!you're wrong.!!

1) Runescape is coded in Java.
2) For Java, these graphics are incredibly good.
3) Runescape is more complex than almost any game.
4) You can play it in the browser. you can play it ANYWHERE.
5) You don't have to install anything.
6) Jagex frequently adds new content. (more than once per month).

Dont get agitated dude
Actually WOW sucks (yeah kill me)
Jagex have messed up a pretty good game
thats the only reason it sucks

old Re: Insight today... RUNESCAPE!

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It`s true Vibhor, and it`s called WoW

Jagex could have made EVEN better game.
Im not talking only about the graphics - which are big part though.
But for example, animation-deveploment etc.

But im imaginationally cheering to jagex, because there are actually no glitches in runescape!

But no glitches i mean those kind of glitches, which don`t help you for example walk trough walls.
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