Hello. As you've maybe noticed, I have uploaded WC3TFT script to the files section.
Download link: http://www.unrealsoftware.de/files_show.php?file=1638
Current version: v. 0.1.7a
And I would really like to know your opinions, requests or suggestions. Please write them here if you got any. edited 2×, last 05.07.09 09:28:57 am
Admin/mod comment
this is a Lua script so it goes to the scripts section I think it must be easyer to control
!But good work!
loooser has written
I think it must be easyer to control
!But good work!

This is going to be in a new version, don't worry.
Help menu and Ultimate menu selection. Bot always use the skill, also spamming chat box :s SQ Moderator
Warcraft III: TFT Mod is one of the best mods I have ever saw
But still its on alpha version.
Keep going! edited 1×, last 02.07.09 03:50:03 pm
it's very cool! Thx up Miro WC3TFT 2D is great! 
Here is a promotional video on how to use it; link.
I like the new version!
but, can you add hud for item what we buy? like,
1. Boots of Speed
2. Claw of Attack
3. Cloak of Shadow
that will more easier and we know what we buy. SQ Moderator
Beter suggestion would be to make
inventor with serveration like [f4]
Becouse there is no space to make more hud texts
Blazzingxx has written
Beter suggestion would be to make
inventor with serveration like [f4]
Becouse there is no space to make more hud texts

but serveraction all ready used all
F2 Select Class, F3 Ultimate Menu, F4 Shop menu http://www.unrealsoftware.de/files_show.php?file=1638
To anybody who has given me such low rating: why have you done so? I need to know it.
Admirdee has written
I like the new version!
but, can you add hud for item what we buy? like,
1. Boots of Speed
2. Claw of Attack
3. Cloak of Shadow
that will more easier and we know what we buy.
Say: !help Boots of Speed is there an ability to disable the shopmenu?! what dose the changevalue dose? and why is the equip armor is disabeld? can i enable to have armro all the time?
add a shopmenu block!
add a messege that says who is admin every 4-6 min
add a 10 lvl instead of 7 like in real cs 1.6!
add xp for planting a bomb or rescuing hostages and the game will be awesome
"hope you like my ideas
Shopmenu block 
Admin message
10 lvl
(7 is enough - cause to beat lvl 10 you would need 10*(2^10) = 10240 XP! And that's extremely hard to get.
XP for plating a bomb or rescuing hostages
I have already requested it to DC but lazyness does not want to comment it. so you agree on shopmenu block? cool
and the admin message i hope it will be
i wanted to ask you what dose the changevalue do? NTD has written
so you agree on shopmenu block? cool
and the admin message i hope it will be
i wanted to ask you what dose the changevalue do?
It is a console command.
Usage: changevalue <thing> <value>
Write changelue * to list all available <thing>s!
And btw. I think you cannot get who is admin in CS2D... I would need to do a system for adding USGNs... I can't download the script (it's fail). do you remember that HDD crash of DCs server?
This thread is from 2009... yes I know, but where can I get this WC3 lua script? I still have the mod if someones interested, I will upload when requested via PM. Geez GAME BANNED