Weird lag o.o
Weird lag o.o
19 replies Ok,so i get into the game,choose any server with a low ping,
And after about 5 mins of playing The game Lags and i can only walk and shoot stuff....when im reloading the bar cant finish.......
And that happens to every other server i try to get into.....
Then i have to restart the game and enter a server so that will happen again......
Any help? DC Admin
you probably lost the connection to the server. I don't know why this happens on your system. sorry. Sooo....i won't be able to play?
Isn't there anything i can try?
I Already forwarded port 36963 (UDP) on Both firewall and Router...... DC Admin
you don't even need to forward anything when you are just playing as client.
check your firewall settings and disable all programs you don't need. download drivers/firmware for your network adapter/router/modem (try at your own risk). make sure that you only join servers which have a green latency bar in the serverlist. Zune5 COMMUNITY BANNED
Your probably having spike pings. Try it tomorrow. Nope,The lag is still there....
I Tried everything u said,except for the Drivers thing
I Don't want to screw with that this lag is happening to alot of people, in the previous version it happened ocasionaly, but now is more frequent, and whit more people, maybe that isnt a firewall or internet, it can be a game bug Whats Interesting,Earlier today i could play a server with Zombie mode,But When i tried to play a server in construction mode/CTF, It lagged me out again....
Strange Actually, i have havin` this trouble too very often.
Neither i cant:
Connect at all.
I lagg out in 2 minutes.
The whole server crashes after me joining in.
The server somewhy stops sending me items i need.
The server just timeouts 100 times.
The server waits 300 hours for "preparing to send files".
Something else like this, IT doesn`T usually affect on "Big servers" or Servers which use normal,deathmatch,team deathmatch mode. I have the same problem as you and everyone else. I think it's a game bug. DC Admin
The biggest problem about this seems to be that it just doesn't happen on my system. Everything runs well 99% of all time here.
Please let me know when you find out anything new about this problem. I don't know what to do about it atm. This is a normal thing for bad computer etc. bad internet, the thing is your internet "line" will be filled up and your computer will loose connection to the game, ofcourse cs2d dosen't have a reconnect system, but this happen. My suggestion is that you re-boot you computer, terminate the big number of apps you got that is wired to the internet and stop downloads etc. it can may also be buggy if someone else use the internet. I Already tried rebooting and Disabling the programs i had...
And my computer can run cs2d without any Problems,
1.6 Dual core
2GB Ram
Geforce 8400 GS 512MB
And a 2.5Mbps Connection (Using a router) Dude vrkiller, I've got a really good computer. 4 gig ram, dual core, a really good graphics card (not sure what it is right now, but it can support graphic heavy games like Crisis perfectly). I've got a fast internet speed too, same as GunSin's. my internet speed i 5 mgb but still this problem accoured, if oyu got the internet by a bad router this may be the problem too, and rem if someones juse the internet too This never happened before until the latest release, so it can't be any of the problems you're saying vrkiller.
So it works at v0.1.1.3? o.o Yep, everything worked fine in v0.1.1.3 same here was stable. Freeze Problem again?