etc and can i have a command whit who i can make other players use these commands
function array(m) 	local array = {} 	for i = 1, m do 		array[i] = 0 	end return array end kills=array(32) for i = 1, 32 do 	kills[i]=0 end addhook("kill","score") function score(id) 	kills[id]=kills[id]+2 	parse('hudtxt2 '..id..' 1 "©000255000 Score: '..kills[id]..'" 10 410 0') end addhook("spawn","viewscore") function viewscore(id) 	parse('hudtxt2 '..id..' 1 "©000255000 Scores: '..kills[id]..'" 10 410 0') end
40|addhook("second","nostucksec") 41|function nostucksec() 42|for id = 1, #player(0,"tableliving") do 43|if not tile(player(id,"tilex"),player(id,"tiley"),"walkable") then 44|parse("setpos "..id.." "..za_xx[id].." "..za_yy[id].."") 45|end 46|end 47|end
192|addhook("second","onmove") 193|function onmove() 194|for id = 1, #player(0,"tableliving") do 195|if tile(player(id,"tilex"),player(id,"tiley"),"walkable") then 196|za_xx[id] = player(id,"x") 197|za_yy[id] = player(id,"y") 198|end 199|end 200|end
addhook("second","onmove") function onmove() 	local t = player(0,"tableliving") 	for id = 1, #t do 		if tile(player(t[id],"tilex"),player(t[id],"tiley"),"walkable") then 			za_xx[id] = player(t[id],"x") 			za_yy[id] = player(t[id],"y") 		end 	end end
function array(m) local array = {} for i = 1, m do array[i] = 0 end return array end kills=array(32) for i = 1, 32 do kills[i]=0 end addhook("kill","score") function score(id) kills[id]=kills[id]+2 parse('hudtxt2 '..id..' 1 "©000255000 Score: '..kills[id]..'" 10 410 0') end addhook("spawn","viewscore") function viewscore(id) parse('hudtxt2 '..id..' 1 "©000255000 Scores: '..kills[id]..'" 10 410 0') end
function initArray(m) local array = {} for i = 1, m do array[i]=0 end return array end level=initArray(32) exp=initArray(32) credits=initArray(32) points=initArray(32) streak=initArray(32) hacker=initArray(32) medikit=initArray(32) function string.split(text,b) local cmd = {} if b then b = b else b = "%s" end b = "[^"..b.."]+" for o in string.gmatch(text,b) do table.insert(cmd,o) end return cmd end if hacker==nil then hacker={} end hacker={} addhook("second","hack") function hack() for p = 1,32 do if (hacker[p]==1) then credits[id]=credits[id]+15 	end end end addhook("spawn","class") function class(id) parse("equip "..id.." 56") -- Equips Ct's with defuse kit. hacker[id] = 1 -- The Hacker Special is on 	parse("strip "..id)
function atom_pro(id,w,x,y) 		parse("effect \"colorsmoke\" "..x.." "..y.." 1 5 0 0 0") end
function initArray(m) local array = {} for i = 1, m do array[i]=0 end return array end level=initArray(32) exp=initArray(32) credits=initArray(32) points=initArray(32) streak=initArray(32) hacker=initArray(32) medikit=initArray(32) function string.split(text,b) local cmd = {} if b then b = b else b = "%s" end b = "[^"..b.."]+" for o in string.gmatch(text,b) do table.insert(cmd,o) end return cmd end if hacker==nil then hacker={} end hacker={} addhook("second","hack") function hack() for p = 1,32 do if (hacker[p]==1) then credits[id]=credits[id]+15 	end end end addhook("spawn","class") function class(id) parse("equip "..id.." 56") -- Equips Ct's with defuse kit. hacker[id] = 1 -- The Hacker Special is on 	parse("strip "..id)
parse("weapon m3; drop; weapon mp5; drop; weapon scout; drop; weapon sg550; drop; weapon ak47; drop; weapon sg552; drop; weapon rpg; drop; weapon flamethrower; drop; weapon m249; drop; weapon p90; drop")
addhook("spawn", "nachtderuntoten") function nachtderuntoten(id) if player(id,"team") == 1 then parse("speedmod "..id.." -5") local c=math.random(1,2) if c==1 then ai_goto(id,5,6) if c==2 then ai_goto(id,6,5)
parse("weapon m3; drop; weapon mp5; drop; weapon scout; drop; weapon sg550; drop; weapon ak47; drop; weapon sg552; drop; weapon rpg; drop; weapon flamethrower; drop; weapon m249; drop; weapon p90; drop")
function tequip(i,w) 	local pwList,rmList = playerweapons(i),{} 	for _,l in ipairs(pwList) do 		if itemtype(w,"slot") == itemtype(l,"slot") and itemtype(w,"slot") ~= (3 or 4) then 			table.insert(rmList,l) 		end 	end 	for _,w in ipairs(rmList) do 		parse('strip '..i..' '..w) 	end 	parse('equip '..i..' '..w..';setweapon '..i..' '..w) end